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Everything posted by SWing'R

  1. I think that's a pretty broad assumption, are you a tire expert? Just sayin. Pretty sure there are circumstances that could lead to a blow out other than bad tires, but then again, this is an assumption on my part.
  2. Sunuva, don't pay attention to this guy. Welcome aboard.
  3. Ahhh yes, the Katana Kurse. Yeah, Coshocton is like the Bermuda Triangle for Katanas, they go in, and don't always come out Oh, and Welcome!
  4. BonkerS , that's who I was thinking of, he lives up that way.
  5. Yeah. But how many bikes run into one of those compared to how many cars hit them that would have crossed over and into oncoming traffic. I think its a numbers game when designing things like that.... how may lives could be saved as opposed to the few unfortunate riders that might die hitting one.
  6. Thats strange placement of the bike under the truck too.
  7. I just got in, did 205mi by myself. Did the ride go okay?
  8. I'm gonna head up to the open house here shortly, grab some free food, maybe win something, then head out and ride for a couple hours or so, if anyone wants to join me. Gotta finish charging the batteries for my GoPro then get dressed and will be out of here.
  9. Was it just me, or did her left boob look higher than the right because of the holster. Not sure "lopsided" is a look many ladies are gonna like
  10. The thread which you are referring to I believe was removed at Wheezles request when he parted ways here. However, here is one (there are so many to choose from) of the epic threads that involved me, this one may have been the fasted to go from start to being closed! http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=58269 This is also a lesson to everyone, why you should not run your mouth when you are drunk. ZC was not in his right mind that night.
  11. Got this email back from HNW, apparently its not a real poker run... David, The Poker Run portion of our Open House is part of a National sweepstakes put on by Suzuki called the "199 Poker Run". You come in and get a (scratch off) game card during our Open House this Saturday for a chance to win one of a bunch of instant prizes and a few grand prizes. (GSX-R750, GSX1250, C50T) We'll have some demo rides, good food, live entertainment, door prizes and more. Hope you can make it, Dave Russell - Sales Manager Ohio Motorcycle Honda / Suzuki / Yamaha / BMW / KTM 3747 Park Mill Run Drive Hilliard, OH 43026 Phone: (614) 771-0771 ext. 105 Fax: (614) 771-1140 Website: www.ohiomotorcycle.com Email: sales@ohiomotorcycle.com
  12. Just sitting back and watching SOMEONE ELSE take the heat here for a change I like Ringo. He draws the away from me
  13. And you thought your were safe from viruses , silly MAC users. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13453497
  14. HNW in Hilliard is having a open house and poker run this weekend. Its listed on the calendar and on their website but not a lot of information available as to whats really going on their this weekend. Supposed to be a poker run but nothing listed as to when it starts and prices. http://www.ohiomotorcycle.com/
  15. They have one of those in Hamilton. They park it in different parts of town everyday. According to some family I have there, this car uses photo radar and they send you a ticket. But maybe it is a plate scanner
  16. Yo, happy birthday man!
  17. Crossman 760 10-Pump, with a scope
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