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Everything posted by SWing'R

  1. It's true, my wife and I were in his course!
  2. Yeah it was a little hairy. My camera is mounted on the windshield, so if the view looks like it turned to the left a foot as I'm fish tailing, think about the math a minute and you'll realize that if the view shifted a foot, that means my ass end must be going in the other direction a whole lot more than a foot! Its hard to tell in the video but I was close to laying it on its left side in the slide, my left knee hit the ground during it trying to keep it up.
  3. I think the most common thing people are referring to is riding over your ability. In other words letting other people push you to ride outside of your comfort zone. Its very easy to do, especially when riding with others that are more experienced than you. I've done it, I think most of us have done it, making it thru the experience without wrecking is the hopeful outcome. I myself had two close calls last season, it slowed me down the rest of the season and will most likely be on my mind at the start of this one. Here is the last close call I had last season, I was riding with two other guys (nothing against you guys at all, it was my own fault) that were much more experienced then me, I was unfamiliar with the road, they were not, they are unseen in this video because they were way ahead of me. In this video, I came up to hot on a really tight right turn, my gut told me I couldn't make it, so rather than lowside trying to make it, I tried to stop, I locked the rear brake and never let off it until I bailed on the gravel road in the apex of the turn. I fish-tailed several times in the process but feared if I let off the brake that the bike would grab and buck me off it. The curve doesn't look that tight on approach in the video, not until you see it when I come back up to, the camera plays tricks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2L2pn35Ulk And yes, I had to stop and walk that one off abit, had to clean the chocolate pudding out of my pants
  4. SWing'R

    Sunday ride

    Have fun and be safe everyone. If I do any riding tomorrow it will be just a very short ride around the Hilliard area, my right leg is still abit sore from the angiogram I had done on Wednesday.
  5. I agree, just ride as often as possible, slowly spend some time in light traffic, when you get used to the light traffic, step up to a busier road or the same road at a busier time. I remember when I started out being in traffic freaked me out abit too, it just starts to get easier the more you do it. And don't ever think you're above doing some parking lot riding, I still ride empty lots on occassion just to screw around and play abit and I'm heading into my 5th riding season. Good luck, and welcome.
  6. Oh no, another gun lover We have a "Firearms" forum here as well
  7. I'm very familiar with that road too, as I service the fire alarm at Stanley Electric alot. I'm betting this guy was attempting to go around the semi and it turned into him. Or when he realized it was turning it was to late.
  8. What ^^ he said! Welcome!
  9. I bet he's making a "killing".
  10. In regards to school zones without lights, I assume 20mph anytime kids are present. I suppose, however, that if no actual hours are posted on the sign that it would be a good ticket to fight in court. The problem is that cops and the courts like to stick to that "ignorance of the law is no excuse" theory. Putting the burden on us to know when the "restricted hours" are. Not really fair if you ask me.
  11. Heee hee, Ice Ice Baby. Sorry can't help it when I hear A1A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1rT57-sz4Y&feature=related
  12. Did the other car that went around the one go off the road (over the line) in the process of going around the car? In other words, was it a single lane? I think you said 2 lane, so I'm assuming you mean one lane each way. I'd say they are definitely at fault going off the road/out of the lane to make their pass.
  13. Fixed that for you, you left one out (in my opinion)
  14. Intown Suites has a location not far from the area where you'll be working, off of Hamilton Rd (Hilton Corp Drive). http://www.intownsuites.com/detail_metro.asp?city=Columbus
  15. hey all, thanks for the prayers and thoughts. will be home for the next three days cause they wont let me drive so ill be on here later, kinda tired and sore right now but wanted to thank everyone/
  16. Tomorrow morning is my angiogram. Can't wait to get this over with so we can get some answers! Won't know anything until Friday though , on Friday I have a doctors appt to go over the results of the mri and angiogram. Fingers crossed.
  17. Seems thats the most common way to learn leasons . I made my own for my gps. Just a piece of black-coated string from the craft store, cut it about 12" long, made a loop on each end, then I pull it thru the loop and wrap around the mirror and wrap the other end around the gps mount, works like a champ. Now when the suction cup decides to let go my gps doesn't end up sliding across the dash, it just dangles from the mirror.
  18. I don't use a suction cup mount on anything without a backup lanyard of some sort, I don't trust suction cup mounts, my gps constantly falls off my windshield
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