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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. My friend used to sing this on Karaoke night.
  2. So you just dropped him like a bad habit huh? No phone call, no letter, not even goodbye sex? tisk tisk. Nope, I think Daytona is a prime example of that. He just has the biggest fan backing. So NASCAR refuses to punish him for aggressive driving. It would drive away half of the fans. There are guys that race clean, you just normally don't see them winning alot of races.
  3. So does she have to prove that it never arrived?
  4. Really do you need to know anything to be a meteorologist? All they do is click a button and point to a green screen. It's about the only job you can be 75% wrong at, and still be able to come to work the next day. Look at Jim Ganahl for pete's sake. Hes been getting the weather wrong now for like 20 years.
  5. Cdubyah


    Where are my cinnamon twists taco boy???
  6. Maybe so....but it's still fun to be there. I'll give you that it's a little boring on television.
  7. It's really fun to watch people wing beer cans at him.
  8. Jealous no I don't think I could lower my standards of being an ass that far. But I don't swap my driver just cuz he starts to run bad. I'm not a Jr. fan either. I prefer the old man in the 5 car. Have been for a while. He's a cocky prick. What needs to be said, he gloats, he exagerates, he's arrogant, and a cry baby. He degrades his crew. You really need to goto a race and listen to him bark at his spotter, and crew on a channel scanner. He's a good driver, I don't take that away from him. I just don't like how he goes about it.
  9. This could also be held in April if that would work better.
  10. There were a lot of mechanical problems...strange.
  11. Welcome Another to the cruiser cause!
  12. I fuckin hate Kyle Busch. Teh guy can drive, I just wish he wasn't such an arrogant prick about it.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyO7QTT962o
  14. nope...gotta goto practice at 3
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6wQxEWkh6U
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