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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Well really the only thing now is the new stack for AEP. When they built the new add on at Wiley organics there were alot of pipe fitters. That, and very large holes, where factories used to be.
  2. Welcome aboard Nice to have another Kawi Rider
  3. We get outsiders all the time, specially when something large is being built. How do you think our population increases? All the outside workers knocking up all the cheap floosies we have strolling around.
  4. Jesus, you're as bad as the girlfriend I don't have.
  5. Soon as I get my camera back I will.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GJOVPjhXMY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2URImmLYAsQ
  7. I put one of my stickers on today.
  8. Didn't take a very long ride, but a ride at least. I had fun trying to dodge all of the damn pot holes.
  9. Well it sure looks like erin, in blue lolly's?

  10. all liquered up on Sailor Jerry
  11. I really don't have a problem with it. Doesn't really bother me when I get snubbed either. I randomly will run across someone that won't wave. Usually I can tell the old guy with his beard blowing in the wind isn't going to wave back at me. No big deal, I throw it out there anyway. Usually riding in a group of sportbikes, they all get snubbed, but I get a wave. I often see a couple of fingers after that.
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