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Posts posted by Cdubyah

  1. So you're sayin' you & your dad climb up there and take a whiz in the tank??? roflmao.gif
    what can i say i piss excellence in the mornings :lol::D

    Nope his dad would bitch to much. Your not pissing right Brian, is that all you got Brian?

    You piss excellence in the morning cuz to drink to much fucking monster.

  2. This is a double edged topic. Most of the HD guys that I run into try to figure out what I ride, before they gawk. Mostly seems to be the older HD riders than the younger ones. I know some pretty cocky assed sport bike riders too.

    There are always a few that ruin it for the rest.

    It doesn't matter what you ride, just that you ride, and have fun.

  3. Vista is more like Windows ME. It just plain sucks, and will be replaced shortly.

    The front side of vista is pretty, and user friendly. When you start delving into the guts of the software, it is just plain horrible. I have never seen such an ass backwards way to put things together. Just what until something breaks, or doesn't work. Then tell me how much you enjoy it. :)

    Any sort of third party software runs like crap, or just doesn't run at all. Especially Novell.

  4. I'd love for Texas, USC, Florida, Alabama etc to come up to the Big House or the Shoe in December & see how all their speed holds up in the cold, snow & ice. Let's see how fast Percy Harvin is on ice skates! :cool:

    Completly agree with you on this one.

  5. Yeah, it'll be a dandy. I think Texas will try to run up the score in an effort to show the BCS that they should have been selected to the Championship game.

    Let hope that the Buckeyes play with a little enthusiam, and not celebrate after the first touchdown to much. (and injure themselves)

    Seems like in the big games they draw blood first then nothin for the rest of the game.

  6. what really kills me this time of year is all of the worthless buckets of shit that have snow plows on the front of them. Not referencing the pic above. I just find it funny that the rednecks spend the money for a plow, but stick it on the biggest POS with wheels. Not to mention the 1st drop of snow and the plow comes out. Even just a dusting.

  7. Haha, they get depressed and locked up in their room. Hiding under a blanket masturbating with their tears. :lol:

    He's out like a boner in sweatpants. Odd that he mentions not to wear sweatpants.

    Dinner without the parents along. Goto a movie with a girl without your parents coming along. Well duh, just try not to leave hickies!

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