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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Cdubyah

    Tool Swap

    Don't we have enough "Tool Swapping" going on around here??
  2. It actually came out before black ops, so technically...
  3. Yes, the older ones were hard as hell too. I might rent it to play through if I'm feeling sporty.
  4. It looked pretty sweet when it came out, I debated on picking one up. However after hearing the single player was short, and the online play was bad I decided against it. Replay value killed that one.
  5. Multiple accounts are a Drink more kool aid
  6. I'm not. Talk to the big giant head. I'm just here to help you drink the kool aid.
  7. You just can't see it, Hell I can't even see it. Trust me it's there.
  8. There is a women's only forum already.
  9. Cdubyah


    :banana:Sweet! Congrats on the new shop:banana:
  10. Just calling it as I see it
  11. Cdubyah


    You should see Black Swan then...
  12. Cdubyah


    I think the comic book movies have blown wwwaaaaaayyyyy the hell out of control now.
  13. Cdubyah


    I was pretty pumped with the teaser trailer at the end of Iron Man 2
  14. Jagr and PBR...whoda thunk it
  15. Ha, that made for an afternoon chuckle
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