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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYsERKqqtkk
  2. How about Jeds? It's just a little jaunt up 270.
  3. What game type did you play? Hopefully I can join in the carnage next time.
  4. Exactly. I would goto the store, and not talk over the phone.
  5. Awesome, I'll soon be right around the corner. aboard btw
  6. More http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6glCvXDo44
  7. Agreed one paternity test would be cheaper, than the life of the establishment. Modifications and establishments all have court fees. Which can add up to over the 2% if you go it alone. If you want to, that's your decision. Also, you could consider the 2% percent fee as a way to get credit for the payments you're making, and actually fulfilling the responsibility to your child. If you make those payments on a monthly basis kudos to you. I wish more folks were like you. No, the bank's money went to pay for that damnit!
  8. For the record... Child support is the only agency that is actually self supportive for the state. In case you didn't know, they get the least amount of your tax dollars. Which ya'll seem to bitch quite frequently about. SO one or the fucking other...you can't have both. Here are some of the things it actually pays for. 1. processing of the payment, I'm not sure what if any actually ends up in the pocket of the worker. I haven't seen any increases. 2. establish paternity, which you would have to pay for yourself if not charged 2% The tests aren't really cheap to have done privately. 3. any enforcement and/or court fees that you would have to pay for yourself. But I'm glad you think I'm a lazy fucktard, who sits on my ass and collects your tax dollars. Also the ridiculous amount of change I bring home each month on my fat government salary. (insert a hefty amount of sarcasm here) Oh don't forget to call me a dirty, lazy, liberal too, I forgot about that. /rant/
  9. Funny you say that...Cuz the guy on the right looks like he's riding a mean streak. Meanie what do you think?
  10. I hear the campaign is really short. Not sure I want to invest $60 to purchase it, when I can beat it in four hours. Not really that impressed with the online game modes either. On the plus side I read that the game setting is pretty sweet, and makes up for the lack of length in the game.
  11. Ouch! Hope he made a speedy recovery.
  12. thread closed per OP request
  13. Welcome Aboard Fine Sir!

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