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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Cdubyah

    The Dragon

    I considered it, just to many blind corners and one lane areas for my comfort level.
  2. Soon as I heard it get up on the road, they were doomed.
  3. Cdubyah


    Made me chuckle
  4. What's a good chase scene without some big ass explosions.
  5. Well at least you are honest, and not being a whiny bitch about it.
  6. You just call me a twatwaffle?
  7. As long as you don't break the rules, this would be the place to flame someone. Whether it's an admin, mod, or another member. However, you might get another infraction for being annoying. Honest question, yes. Time and place for it no. Even if you have no sympathy, there's a time and place for everything. That thread wasn't it. This kid has a real name, a real family, and real friends. Some of which are on this board. Show a little respect for those that lost someone close. Even if you have no sympathy for the one that passed.
  8. John gave you an infraction for what he thought was a fucktard move. Members call each other fucktards all the time. You just got infraction for it, on the subject matter. To soon to press for that information, was my thought.
  9. Cdubyah

    RIP Chachi

    He doesn't want to talk about it. Nuff said.
  10. Cdubyah

    RIP Chachi

    condolences to you. RIP Chachi
  11. I merged these three together, as they seem to have the same topic, and are by the same author.
  12. How long does it normally take to get a call back or reject letter? I have already applied for several IT positions, but haven't heard much. Other than they have been referred. update: I just received a call for an interview no more then 10 minutes after I posted this. Someone here pull some strings?
  13. Welcome aboard. There is a meet and greet next Saturday in the northeast, and one the 31st in Toledo.
  14. 1. Bike Nighter - only goes out to bike night gatherings 2. Trailer Queen - Only trailers bike to shows, or to where they are going. Not actually riding 3. The squid - a fucking idiot on 2 wheels 4. Power ranger - Gear head to toe in shiny, and very bright gear 5. Coshocton Spiller - I have no idea, and I'm from here.
  15. Ahhh, dumbasses They make my day a little more fun
  16. Yes cuz both are wicked scary. I tremble at the site of either...
  17. wow, my mind went to the gutter upon reading the thread title....
  18. Damnit, why can't I get this on my maps application! The nerd in me finds this amusing, and disappointing all at the same time. http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/movie-talk-star-wars-gps.html
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