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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I guess I'm being thrown off by the title... She's 21 but old pussy? Should we ask about the previous pussy?
  2. I'm going to grande your guacamole!!!
  3. Good link RIP to the fallen POW MIA we will never forget
  4. So are you going for tradition bridal party dance? Or a modern bridal party dance? Basically, are you wanting to slow dance, or choreograph the dance?
  5. He just couldn't light up a smoke with one on....
  6. The 3 is a little cramped for me, but I'm a big fella. I just felt smashed into the sport style seats. I had plenty of leg room though. The ride is nice, and doesn't seem to have many mechanical issues. My brother has owned two of them. They have worked well for him so far. Except the recall on the cigarette lighter.
  7. I think you have every right to be bitter. This happened to a friend of mine as well, she turned out to be a waste of flesh anyway. At least you don't have to worry about it anymore.
  8. AMEN!! You're 18 years old you don't know shit, about shit, and pull up your fucking pants!
  9. Wonder how that conversation started out...
  10. Anyone else stay to the end of the credits?
  11. Think that was the best SNL, I've seen for a while.
  12. Yes there is a tag thread. This however is just a guessing game. No tagging involved.
  13. done. two pictures in the top 5, nice job sir.
  14. I'm sure we could fab one up for ya...
  15. Wow, google maps is rather confusing. Looks like the monte carlo sits north west of NYNY. So it's back off the strip a bit. Maybe the parking lot is behind NYNY. Confusing for sure.
  16. well fuck me runnin batman
  17. I'm gonna have to check that map again, I thought it was right on the strip. Average cost was $66 /night, and it received a four star rating. Plus it was a little more centered than NY NY.
  18. Thanks, I'll give this the old college try. The ones I've tried so far, require registration, and purchase.
  19. I think we are going to stay at the Monte Carlo. Pros, and Cons from anyone?
  20. You have not been around for the entire saga young padawan. It's not about the gameplay, but the storyline.
  21. Cdubyah

    COD Black Ops

    Meh no worries, everyone is terrible when they start out. Kawi kid was just turrable.
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