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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. That had to be a fun ride.
  2. Not sure yet. I threw my back out this past weekend. Put me down as a maybe.

  3. That's horrible, sorry for your loss.
  4. Cdubyah

    Ride on Sunday

    That's a pretty nasty corner. There always seems to be something in the road when I ride through there. Not saying that it was the case this time. Just for future reference. Glad everyone had a good time, and made it home ok.
  5. I just wanted an excuse to use this picture.
  6. supposed to stop raining after 10am. It's shaping up nicely. Now if the rest of the state would follow suite, it would be a stellar day.
  7. So much for a productive afternoon.
  8. I haven't tried the multiplayer yet maybe I'll get into it this evening.
  9. Wow, scary stuff. I'm glad everyone is OK Fonz.
  10. The controls are a little funky, but once you get used to them you should have no problem. There is a shit load of things to do in this game. I have yet to get aggravated with the single player mode. It's like the wild west of grand theft auto. Except, less swearing, and sex with hookers. The world is freaking huge. It takes about 20 minutes to ride on horse end to end I have read. Not sure how soon I intend to try that out. There are alot of mini games to play as well: horse shoes, poker, blackjack, 5 finger filet (my personal favorite), dice, and horse racing. That's what I've found so far. The cinematic's drag out the gameplay. Good thing you can skip them. Unless you enjoy the storyline of course. Awesome sauce, a must buy IMO. What are your thoughts of you that have played? Here is a trailer for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NUjbORZueU
  11. We might be up in time for this. I will need to discuss with the kid and the womenz.
  12. Looks like the deer lost interest when the fat guy ran out of breath and went into turtle mode.
  13. You had better bring your sombrero, and dirty sanchez.
  14. Have a good one fella!!!
  15. Cdubyah

    Lindsay Lohan

    Drugs are bad mmmkay.
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