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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. That is one sexy bike even with the weird headlights
  2. Whoops I forgot the 12th is weekend for Ohio Bike Week this might have to be pushed to the weekend of the 26th more info to come
  3. Anyone going to head out for this?
  4. Well it was a quick hello but seemed like a good guy to me
  5. The earliest would be the weekend of the 12th I wanna see how many would be interested and we can figure a day that will work for the majority
  6. It won't be this weekend that's for sure
  7. I guess it wouldn't have to be a Saturday I just figured Saturday might be better for people that have to work on Monday
  8. We can adjust start time depending on how far people are traveling
  9. It's time for another Kinzua/rt 666 ride who would be interested? This will be on a Saturday and will only happen if forecast is completely dry. Plan on all day ride and an early start. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=41.915563,-80.570984&daddr=US-6+E%2FN+Richmond+Rd+to:US-322+E%2FCochranton+Rd+to:S+Franklin+St+to:Pennsylvania+Ave+W%2FUS-6+BUS+E+to:PA-59+E%2FKinzua+Rd+to:PA-59+E%2FKinzua+Rd+to:Forest+Rd+to:PA-321+S%2FKane-Marshburg+Rd+to:Greeves+St+to:US-6+W+to:PA-666+W+to:E+Front+St+to:Allegheny+Blvd+to:PA-173+S+to:E+Main+St&hl=en&geocode=%3BFRaEfAId2j0z-w%3BFXf9egIdAPo4-w%3BFUgmewIdDkhA-w%3BFXB9fgIdbF9I-w%3BFWJjfgIdUnxK-w%3BFay0fgId-iNL-w%3BFfPWfQIdD79L-w%3BFXZQfQIdcmlM-w%3BFaqvewIdKIBN-w%3BFdRXfAIdbhBK-w%3BFbCIegIdoG1E-w%3BFRwoeAIdVr8_-w%3BFQShdwIdJvk9-w%3BFfaDeQIdxHQ6-w%3BFfjfegIdtp4y-w&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=10&via=1,7&sll=41.867516,-80.281219&sspn=0.370209,1.284027&ie=UTF8&ll=41.687271,-79.808807&spn=0.7425,1.752319&z=10
  10. I'll join the fun as long as it's dry no wrecks for me
  11. Tear it down and sell the parts on ebay very few items on ebay for that bike I'm sure there are people out there needing parts and you'd make a lot more than you would selling bike with no title.
  12. Wow new seat and haven't tried it??
  13. I only go 5mph over speed limit but get there really quick:D
  14. The money is going to the foundation if we raise more than needed that's good Brian already mentioned he also needs to buy new gear and has ongoing medical expenses so don't worry the money will go to good use
  15. Oh oh I'll try and no I don't run shitko's
  16. Is this a rain or shine event or are you going to set an alternate date?
  17. The original discussion was $10 per rider but donations would be fine we don't want someone to not come because they can't swing the gas money and the $10 the ultimate goal is to get Brian back on his bike but at the same time the ride is to get together and have fun so if you can please donate if you can't please come and ride anyways.
  18. I will be there with as many riders as I can round up
  19. I never knew sheep lived 10yrs
  20. Picked up some new gloves, new helmet for the wife and some new grips.... and got to meet uncle punk... all in all a good day
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