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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. 1967 buick special 1976 mercury monarch 1981 chevy citation 1986 mazda glc hatchback 1979 mustang 1985 dodge daytona turbo z 1988 5.0 mustang 1987 ford ranger 1968 ford bronco 1992 ford f150 1977 chevy c10 1948 gmc 1998 ford ranger 2000 ford focus 1993 plymouth laser 1984 chrysler new yorker 1986 chrysler new yorker 1998 hyundai excel 2000 ford explorer 1982 camaro 1984 trans am 1976 firebird 1995 geo tracker 1987 chevy silverado 2004 ford explorer They are not in order but I think I got all of them
  2. Yet another jackass raising our insurance rates. What possesses people to post illegal shit they have done online?? Brag online about more stupid shit I'm sure they will take it easy on you next time.
  3. I'm hoping to make it down but I might take the cage down and bring the family
  4. You'd have to adjust it some but it gets you in the area
  5. I found the link to the map from our ride down http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=6196+Seminole+St,+Mentor,+OH+44060&daddr=40.708751,-81.565933+to:US-62%2FUS+Route+62+to:Pig+Iron+Columbus,+Oh.&geocode=%3B%3BFVBiaQIdFCEb-w%3BFUttYwIdrzkN-yFlleRDXyDGsg&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=11&via=1,2&dirflg=h&sll=40.69834,-81.68129&sspn=0.302979,0.511551&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=40.105912,-82.910385&spn=0.190117,0.436707&z=11
  6. Check with Lost1888 we went to the meet and greet last year in c-bus and took some nice roads
  7. Hell yeah it's gonna happen.... One way or another we will get him back on two this summer
  8. Mobil 1 4t and purolator pureone filter @ advance auto parts
  9. I know I'm a few miles from c-bus but I'm in for this ride and will help in any way that I can in the planning.
  10. That's a great idea I'd be in for the ride
  11. conn-e-rot


    Hey motorcycle tires are easy to break the bead
  12. conn-e-rot


    Osburn Tire in Kellogsville will patch it for you if no one out your way will and I believe he uses the patch plugs
  13. My buddy had a bird hit his tank and it exploded on impact.... and somehow we managed to miss a herd of deer we come over a small hill @ 60mph and there was a huge herd crossing the road and somehow we missed every last one.
  14. I had a buzzard try to take me off my bike too on the way home from MSF course had to hang off the side of the bike to avoid it and my buddy following me said it barely missed me even hanging off the side.
  15. I'd venture up through New York and into Vermont and New Hampshire maybe even make it into Maine
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