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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. I would have waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too much fun with a turbo
  2. The urge to ride was strong enough to make me ride 30 miles to work yesterday at 38 degrees
  3. Great idea.... I hope I can make it down for this event
  4. All kidding aside I saw a few really sweet Busas at bike night this week. I just personally don't care for the tail on the newer ones. And who would not want to have a killer turbo setup like that.
  5. Happy B-day and to think you said you don't have any friends on here
  6. yeah its just time plotted but i wasnt looking to get it tuned just everyone wanted me to put it up cuz highest number they had so far for the night was 105
  7. Whatever happened to people teaching their kids to work for what they want and to appreciate what they get?? Instead there are kids growing up everyday with parents that cheat the system and are so proud of it that they teach their kids how to do it too. I used to work at a juvenile detention center and we had kids tell us that they liked it better there than at home becuase we told them what to do and yelled when they did something wrong so they knew we cared.... that's just sad
  8. I don't really care who uses the supplies but when every kid gets the same list and the list says "your child must have these supplies" then you should buy them if they are to be shared then make that known ahead of time.
  9. So I suppose I should pay for gas for the alcholics I work with that drink their pay checks away and run out of money every week too.... WTF If you can't afford something because you fell upon hard times it's one thing but when people are just too lazy to go buy their kids clothes or supplies or too lazy to attempt to get a job then that's not my freakin' problem....
  10. No but if someone is too poor to buy their kids school supplies how is that my problem?? The schools should have provisions for that not take supplies from kids whose parents work and buy their supplies.
  11. Well the smaller bikes turn better of course but for a big couch it doesn't do bad at all I think my chicken strips are about a 1/4 inch
  12. It was $25 for two pulls I got 171.5hp and 100.3ft/lb I wasn't going to run it but my buddies talked me into it
  13. It is @ Street Track and Trail in Meadville, PA they qouted one buddy $7000 last year and another $7400 otd a couple months ago I was there a few weeks ago and they have put on two brothers exhaust that was not on it a couple months ago.... maybe they were hoping that would sell it
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