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Everything posted by DiamoGirl

  1. Thanks everyone. I am so elated to have a new career with a wonderful company. 18 days was long enough for me to ever be unemployed. I will never switch jobs again. I can't take the stress. I am so thankful for this opportunity.
  2. Gee Ben didn't know you liked jersey shore
  3. Just wanted to update everyone on David's condition. He had his angiogram today and all went well. the doctor found a venous angioma which is a normal vein. He is doing well and will be home later today. The best news of all is that he does not need surgery for this and that is great news. Thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes.
  4. furniture looks nice, I hope you can rid of it.
  5. Thank you for the Birthday wishes!!
  6. I am glad the heat is on again. I was really cold!
  7. Maybe someone should throw this chic in the river. Then she can have the same fate as those adorable little puppies.
  8. That is a very big deal. If we keep taking our planets resources and burning the ozone layer with pollution, we may need to live on mars someday.
  9. In my experience if insurance companies send their payments to hospitals or providers electronically they are usually missed and not posted, so then the bill goes to the patient because the hospital or provider never received the information needed to balance the account.
  10. Well they took the port out of my cousins head that was draining the blood clot. I have not heard much else than what has been posted already. I know that the doctor said it will be a very long recovery if he pulls threw. It is not looking good right now. I will be calling the hospital tomorrow to see if I can get an update on his condition. Thank you so much for the prayers. With God on his side he has a good chance of pulling through. Keep Praying my friends.
  11. I sounds like the hospital messed up on their end. Do you need a pre-cert for the therapy? What kind of insurance do you have? Do you have a PPO plan? In my experience you would need to file a reveiw with the hospital and have them rebill for the therapy. If your insurance says you are covered 100% then you should not pay the bill. Of course they can always try to tell you that your therapy is out of network with your plan and then you would have to pay whatever the insurance does not cover. I would go to the hospital and talk with the billing office, make sure you take a copy of your EOB from the insurance and have them write off the balance. Trust me they are getting paid enough already.
  12. He better check his pants. I think he may have crapped them..
  13. You need to call the insurance company and get them involved with the situation. Most hospitals mess up on billing. I have insurance companies call me all the time. Just let them know and they can call on your behave and talk to the people at the hospital.
  14. Thank you for all of the well wishes. I am very upset by this turn of events. I am sure that they will be ok but I am praying very hard. They had to drill a hole in his head to releive the pressure from the blood clot that had ruptured. He still has another blood clot in his brain, everything is touch and go at this point. I will let you know if we hear anything about his condition.
  15. I don't think we have any plans this coming weekend. Me and the hubby might be up for a ride.
  16. LOL! Nice video. It makes me think of my dad when I was little.
  17. I am in for a ride. I don't go out very much and when I do it is on poker runs or rides with the husband. I
  18. :)We had a wonderful time on the ride and loved riding with all of the bikes. It was so cool the way we just took over the roads and traffic just stopped to let us go. AdamAdam I enjoyed meeting you today and will let you know when we are riding so that you can come with us.
  19. Happy Birthday Honey. Had a great time on the poker run with you today. I Love You!
  20. Welcome to the site. Ride safe.
  21. I had a wonderful time riding, even though it rained on us. It is for a wonderful cause. Maybe next year we can get a few more people to ride with us.
  22. What are you doing?

  23. I LOVE MY NEW BIKE!!!!!!! David better keeps his mitts off it. I don't care if he needs spare parts or not.
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