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Everything posted by Cbus636

  1. Welcome! its a little nerve racking trying to learn to ride in the city isnt it haha
  2. It says 8500, Do you think if i went to sell it I could get that out of it?
  3. it is a 98 TA cammed 385rwhp, chrome wheels, 85k, nice stereo, leather, ttops, 6 speed,i paid 8500 for it but i think the trans is goin out and i cant afford to fix it.
  4. Im currently looking at trading my trans am for a 2007 Zx10r with 2000 miles. It is green and stock besides race baffles. He says he is the original owner and bought it new. He says it is a garage queen and has never seen rain, or been dropped. He is also giving up 2 helmets, gloves , boots, pants, jackets, etc.. Any idea what it is worth or what would you pay for it? I looked it up on KBB but nothing ever goes for what KBB says.
  5. 2 degrees, what kind of gear do you have to ride in that weather?
  6. So i saw a couple people riding today down on OSU campus. A black CBR and a 2000ish green zx7. Is this anyone on here? Isnt 23 degrees a little cold?
  7. Thanks man I'll let you know if i need anything but right now i gotta save some money before i can think about puttin her back together
  8. so i was goin like 20 mph and as i looked to my left to see if i could get over everyone in front of me decides to lock up their brakes and i slam in the back of a malibu. Im alright, a lil sore but alright. I am more mad that i have to fix the bike now:mad: Luckily for me i was wearing my leather jacket, gloves and helmet. I am now a firm believer in wearin all the gear possible as i could have been more injured. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET PEOPLE DONT THINK YOU ARE TOO COOL FOR ONE CUZ UNEXPECTED SHIT HAPPENS!!! with that being said, where can i find a front bumper? ( watever the thing is called that goes over the front wheel) and a new front fascia that goes round the headlights for a decent price.. its a 05 kawi 636
  9. its black with 2004 chrome zo6 wheels, ws9 outlaw hood, its cammed and made 400rwhp. Ill take some pics tomorrow. O it is currently for sale too!
  10. Here are some pics of my bike the day i brought it home. I doesn't have any stickers on it now and it is lowered 2 inches.
  11. I have seen you come out of you garage a couple of times. i live in the big house next to the laundromat. Its right on summit. When im not riding it stays parked in the basement.
  12. I love my kawi 636. Has good midrange power and is quite comfy compared to alot of other 600s
  13. Yea i live on 16th and summit by the laundromat. I think i recognize your bike in your sig. You live across the street from me right
  14. haha yea i live on OSU campus
  15. welcome! i too have an ls1 trans am, Its nice being able to play on two and four wheels haha! winter sucks though
  16. Just thought i would say hey since i am new to the boards. I ride a 05 ninja 636
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