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Everything posted by 600ZZ4eb

  1. Pencil me n as well. I really wld like to know about the suspension and lubing cables
  2. Has anyone on here road OH-260 from 78 to 7? It looks like it could be a good road...worth the 2+ hour trip to get there.... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-260+N%2FRoad+Fork+Rd&daddr=OH-260+S%2FRoad+Fork+Rd+to:39.664385,-81.278915+to:Park+Ave&geocode=FTC5XgIdTh8m-w%3BFXqAXQIdOLUm-w%3B%3BFe0OWwIdWA8r-w&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=2&sz=11&via=1,2&sll=39.587699,-81.165619&sspn=0.22119,0.587082&ie=UTF8&ll=39.571293,-81.177292&spn=0.221243,0.587082&z=11
  3. I wanna take the erc this but may opt for the new one first since its limited, ill hv to check the timeand dates when I get home. Thanks for posting cs!
  4. Glad u'll had a great time. How many showed up? I was out on 555, 339, 78, 83 & 284 great ride but I'm tired!
  5. I can't see the map from my cell but was on 374 Saturday going to rockhouse with the fam and the road had some debre n some turns. Not sure if ya'll going this way but watch out. Hopefully rain clears it up and not make it worse...ill b with u guys n spirit!
  6. Wish I was heading out wit u guys but I shld b on the road heading se as well....be safe and hv fun
  7. here is a couple of things to look at.....kind of pricey though..... http://www.heldusa.com/kids.html http://little-riders.com/ i want to get my kids into riding as well.....
  8. full show will be tomorrow at 7 on espn
  9. Ditto!!!! Thats hot! Here are mine and the mrs bikes...
  10. I Ike them all by looks along but the Duke is a little more rarely seen so I'd put the as #1
  11. How well does that beast handle n the twistties? I've always liked their odd look....
  12. Nice idea! Only push us back 1 1/2 hours.....lol. I was hoping to catch ya'll at lunch but looks like u'll be further south and id miss all the good roads n hocking.... :-( ill still go out if the weather is good, jus n a different direction. :-)
  13. Sad news, looks like ill miss this one guys. Kids last soccer game at 10am and I can't miss it. :-(
  14. thats a beauty. Id vote vfr it it were up to me....
  15. i plan on being there, but its the kids last soccer game so i may have to meet up with ya'll at lunch depending on time.....may have to take the direct route to do that, but we'll see.
  16. I dont remember exactly, but if they sell them at Iron pony and they are less than $250 then i looked at them or tried them on. I wanted something that looked nice and less boot like, but also was full lenght and had some decent protection.
  17. he did apologize for the record and felt bad about how what happen affected ride. Rick is a good dude.
  18. OR is awesome!!!! I sit back and laugh so hard sometimes reading the things that go on here.......love it! LOL!!!
  19. folks behind me didnt break 80ish to much..... :-) i'd say it was medium speed... btw not that you guys really care, but there is a whole forum that would disagree with folks hating on the katana....katriders.com some of the guys over there can handle the kats extremely well and although they are not the fastest or lightest bikes on earth the can handle anything well including the twisties.......the rider makes the biggest difference...... They actually are very capable bikes in many areas. just my 2 cents..... carry on......
  20. I lead a small group down there late last year and road was perfect and had recently been repaved....however there was a convty sebring that somehow flew off the road and was n the trees when we came around a corner bout half way up the road...not sure how that happened but the road was clear and smooth last october
  21. 600ZZ4eb

    Brass Balls

    All u guys are freaking awesome...heard bout this thread yesterday at lunch and jus spent the last hour laughing my butt off.... lol!
  22. Yeah, 374 is bout 20 mins down 33 so it wouldn't take long. 328 was good down in hocking as well and I've been wanting to take 56 to athens but hvvnt yet. Heard there was agood pizza shop n athens thatg won the world pizza comptetion a couple years ago.....disclaimer- I've never been there jus going off what I've heard.....
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