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Everything posted by 600ZZ4eb

  1. I am, as like others, can attest to wearing ur gear. 555 bit me last year and as much as I tumbled if I wasn't wearing a helmet I'm sure it would hv been lights out, but the good Lord decided to keep me here longer so I am and will always wear mine. :-) Also, the boy scout shootery was moved to the 26th so barring any other unforseen issues I should b able to make this ride. :-) haven't seen some of ya'll n a while seems like.
  2. Man! I miss that place. I gotta get a weekend away next year and go back.... :-(
  3. Glad ur ok dude. Sucks when deer get n the road and stay then run the wrong way. :-) thank God ur still here.
  4. might see you guys in passing tomorrow. gonna hit this route, leaving Reynoldsburg at 8. Hoping to get back before it rains http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Hill+Rd+N&daddr=39.88101,-82.73546+to:McConnelsville,+OH+to:Cambridge+Rd+to:OH-564+W%2FFrostyville+Rd+to:OH-78+E%2FWoodsfield+Rd+to:OH-260+S%2FRoad+Fork+Rd+to:39.65689,-81.2989+to:OH-26+S+to:OH-550+W+to:OH-13+N+to:Co+Rd+11%2FMarietta+Rd+to:Marietta+Rd+SE+to:OH-664+N%2FLogan-Thornville+Rd+NE+to:Baltimore-Reynsburg+Rd&hl=en&geocode=FcBjYQIdkLkQ-w%3BFTKJYAIdnI4R-ynbIIOOgXo4iDGHWNjUOxiV3g%3BFar9XAId-QQf-yk_1-Fe6ds3iDHk_Co7IeaeMg%3BFdT8WQIddAwl-w%3BFfwCXQId8XQm-w%3BFRRxXgIdCnsk-w%3BFUClXgIdQkwm-w%3BFbodXQIdLHon-ymz7wvsgCc2iDErc7jUKtkEfA%3BFRyMWwIdNPUo-w%3BFYpMWQIdhKck-w%3BFUHyWgIdCqwb-w%3BFSAzXQIdQ5wa-w%3BFYXMXQIdlEQW-w%3BFZC9XwIdLEoW-w%3BFYR8YQIdCqkQ-w&mra=dpe&mrcr=5&mrsp=7&sz=11&via=1,7&dirflg=h&sll=39.64694,-81.283722&sspn=0.272815,0.740204&ie=UTF8&ll=39.743626,-81.755447&spn=0.272433,0.740204&z=11
  5. YOu should call the schools transportation services and complain about the drive on that road. They know the routes and who was driving. There is no excuse for that! :-(
  6. welcome! I'll be by that way this weekend hopefully!
  7. 600ZZ4eb


    Hope you heal quickly and there is no lasting damage....
  8. prayers sent....glad to hear the udpate had promise Thank God!
  9. i saw this and it was terrible. It looked bad, but didnt know it would have killed him. :-( RIP - God bless his family!
  10. its better to use both brakes, but under as much control as possible.
  11. one of these is on my list for a next bike.....which i had the loot....
  12. never a good thing.....its like ice worse when they are wet.
  13. LOL!!!! Didnt realize you missed me so much on the last ride....i'm touched. LOL!!! Actually just got word that there is a boy scout event on the 25th so i'm out yet again. :-( ummmm, i know this is a little far in advance, but will we be riding in Oct?
  14. I'm looking forward to this one! :-) Welcome JP!!! :-)
  15. Rock hopper.....$500 or less for the base model.....cant wait to get one :-)
  16. wish i wasnt moving that day...... :-(
  17. glws! I have always liked those bikes....
  18. Wow! Looks like I missed a good time. Glad u guys had a good time and I hope to see ya'll next month!
  19. Priorities!!!! :-( darn those stupid things! Move is next week and paper due this weekend....the paper is what has me fit to be tied. I hate writing papers for online classes! I may try to fit this route in the following weekend after my move so at least i can say i did it. Oh well, study break is over.....about to do a test. You guys enjoy and i hope someone posts either pics are a ride report. :-) Oh and Ben - Thanks for the offer bro! You're a stand up dude! :-)
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