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Posts posted by swingset

  1. Honestly my bug out bag Is a bit lacking also. I'm just like you and plan on a bug in which is why I wanted to start something like this to help me in the areas where I lack.

    In truth, I do have a bug-out bag, but its purpose is to get me back to the homestead...so it's geared towards that end, and is small and portable enough to go with me on the bike, car, at work, etc. It would be pretty miserable to live out of - sleeping on the ground, only clothes I have on me, etc.

    I work in the ghetto, so 95% of my concentration is shit to get me out of that in case of disaster, riot, etc. Sheepleflage, spare mags, illumination & communication is paramount.

    IMHO, the most important part of your BOB is the plan. Where are you going, will your kit get you there, and then what? Some people put together a tactialicious pack full of shit and rub their hands together in hopes of going Road Warrior after the zombie apocalypse. My aim is get my ass home, sit tight and make sure my shit stays mine. Plan B is get the fuck away from whatever messed up my house, until it's cool to go back home.

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  2. Sounds like fun. I don't have a BOB (I bug-in, not out), but I have camping gear and mad skillz with shooting shit and keeping tent-secrets. Plus, I have a cool Rambo knife I got from the flea market, I've been wanting to cut up an industrial tarp and make a sleeveless smock out of it.

    Will try to make it to some if not all. I've been wanting to do Wildcat Hollow for a while, this sounds funner than by myself.

  3. Buddy of mine hit a buzzard a few years back. Busted his new mirror off and killed the bird. He went back and kicked the shit out of it for busting the mirror.

    I've hit two of those fuckers. Once on my Strom which hit my fender, and the other was worse I popped it on my XRL going about 60, and it hit me right in the chest and kind of burst putting guts and shit all over me and inside my helmet. Gross as fuck, I had to powerwash my jacket, shirt, inside of my lid and my gloves and ride home soaking wet.

    It felt like a basketball hitting me in the chest as hard as someone could throw, about knocked me off the bike.

  4. Ha, I was just in Big Lots yesterday, saw them and picked up 2 pairs. I use them a ton, my favorite ear-bud. If you really want them to rock for motorcycle use, buy either the Monster foam tips or the Comply T400 foam tips, and do the Kramer mod on them (cut out the paper filter, and some porous closed cell foam in the tube). Makes them sound much better, and the foam tips will do a much better job blocking out road noise than the factory rubbery tips.

  5. The mental damage from being bullied, and having someone else fight your battle for you is worse than any memory of an ass kicking. A fat lip or bruises earned in a schoolyard scrap is nothing, less than nothing, in the course of your life. Being scared and being teased will shape your entire adulthood.

    I think boys need to learn how to cope with it, even if it means they lose a fight or two. In fact, fighting back doesn't very often go their way (too many people think the world works like Ralphie/Scott Farcas, and I got news for ya Scott wins more times than not). But, the resistance tells the bully this victim is not worth the effort or trouble, and sadly to some kids prone to this violence or resistance is all they respect.

    Walking away and having you step in, or a teacher, just fuels their anger and it also can prompt other kids to tease, harass or label the bullied and that's worse than whatever happened to begin with.

    Yes, your son's resistance will likely get him in trouble (with the school), but it will probably be better for his soul than any PC justice the school can deliver.

    Before you think I know not of what I speak, I have dealt with this with my daughter and she learned, as I said, that the harassment stops when she stands up for herself.

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  6. I love the internal visors, at least as done on the Caberg lids. I have three helmets with them, and they're all optically perfect and unobtrusive. I will never own a helmet that doesn't have one again.

    As to the effectiveness, at least with mine you can get whatever shades for the visor you want, you don't have to live with a light tint.

    I think if you have issues with visors, you haven't tried the right helmet.

  7. Early LC4-based KTM's vibrated like a motherfucker. Much worse than most big-bore singles. My 620rxc was like riding a maytag powered dildo.

    Lots of reasons for it (counterbalancing, mounts, frame design, etc.), but if you don't like your balls going numb after 20 miles, I'd look to an SM610 instead.

  8. If the roads weren't a mess with cinders and other crap that doesn't need thrown on the roads, winter would be the best time to be on two wheels. Don't get me wrong, I still ride and enjoy the winter for what it is, but the twisties are hard to ride aggressively so it kind of nullifies the advantages of having the road to yourself IMHO.

  9. There's a Ferrari SA Aperta in Jew Albany too (I can say that, I'm half jew and it's no secret the entire population of Bexley relocated), I saw it on 62 and had to stop and look it over to see if it was really the genuine article. I think there are only something like 80 in the US. It's a sexy fucker.


    There's also someone around that end of town, probably a collector, that has a fucking Batmobile (Tim Burton era). I saw it in a line of exotics doing a tour out here near me in Granville, and since mentioning it someone told me the owner is near New Albany.

  10. No chain check "have shaft", no tire check "have TPMS", no oil check "bike doesnt burn oil".....so I reckon just get geared up, grab the wallet and gun and get to riding.

    Burning oil is only one of many ways it can leave your motor. I wouldn't ever take that for granted.

    I've seen holes in cases & leaking seals drain a motor right quickly, and if they're in the right spot might not leave a ton of evidence except for low levels.

  11. I check air pressure every fucking time (experience has taught me that one's never to be taken for granted). Look over driveline quickly, look in sight glass for oil, hop on and take off kick stand move bars, pull levers, throttle, etc. for anything weird (I've caught stuff this way). That's every ride.

    Once a week or so of normal riding I go over the bike thoroughly checking fasteners and such, visual inspection of anything that might be an issue.

  12. It's embarrassing to be known as a state full of left-lane retards. Ohio absolutely carries the reputation. Last year out west visiting my mom we were having a big cookout, and all the folks there were talking about how fucking awful Ohio drivers are. All I could do is agree and say I'm only a transplant. It's true tho, the interstate system confuses mouthbreathers in this state something fierce.

    Don't get me started on "afraid to merge" dipshits coming to a fucking stop.

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