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Posts posted by swingset

  1. It's a great bike, but the stock gearing fucking BLOWS. Hard. That motor wants to live in the 5krpm range and up, and dropping a tooth in the front and going up a couple in the back will make it seem like an entirely new (and better bike). I run 16/43, some guys like just the 16/41 combo, but definitely lose that airplane gear up front...you'll thank me later. If you do a lot of interstate, might wanna stick to the 41 in back, but the 16/43 will make it come alive and the 6th gear be downright fun instead of useless.

    I love mine, it's been the best motorcycle I've ever owned and proved to be incredibly tough because I ride it like an imbecile.

    Another thing I'd suggest is after you break it in and are doing your first batch of maintenance, balance the secondaries when you do your throttle body sync (and extensions on the vacuum ports for further ease of access to the carbs). I've done my secondaries and two friends and they were all out from the factory. It doesn't make a monster difference, but it smoothed the motor out. I can help ya do all that when the time comes, just up the road from ya.

    Congrats tho, I'm jealous I'd love to have a new one.

  2. Sad... hard to imagine how some one could hit all of them.

    Formation riding. This is why it sucks balls. I haven't looked at the article, but I'd bet my paycheck it was a big group of cruisers.

    Even if they were dead stopped in a group, being too clustered is a recipe for disaster. If you're sitting there and at the last second see the impending wrecking ball coming, and you're in a big nest of bikes, you've left yourself no out, no escape route.

    Why some riders want to get all over each other like this baffles me. It's just poor riding.

  3. I have ridden in some serious rain, hydroplaning has never been an issue.

    Yup. I was telling you this story recently, but I hit a washout in New Mexico last year that was knee-deep, and about 50' wide head on at about 50mph and sliced right through it keeping my tires on the ground. It shook the front end violently, but it went through it no problem.

  4. I've done 3 cycles of P90X, then did Plus and the 1 on 1 workouts, now I'm on P90X2.

    I don't religiously follow the nutrition, and mix a lot of other stuff in (mountain bikes, swimming, etc.) but it's a wonderful program and has changed my life.

    I cut 30 lbs, and have been in great shape for over a year.

  5. Is there actually a bike type restriction?? I ride a mountain bike with semi-slick road tires' date='

    road in the American Diabetes Tour de Cure a couple times with it.

    There were lots of people riding mountain bikes in those rides.[/quote']

    No restriction on bikes on the Pelotonia. I meant my mountain bike is geared and set up for the trails, and would be brutal on a distance road ride. Not that I'm physically up to it anyway...I can ride like hell for a couple hours, but long strenuous cardio makes my lungs spasm and I start to hyperventilate. I've been doing therapy for it but I'm not where I need to be yet.

  6. wgas? It's his kid, it's his problem.

    There's a reason laws exist that protect children - parents like that. The child can't choose for himself a reasonable amount of protection or even to not get on the bike - and dad is proving by that photo he's too fucking stupid to get the job done.

    If that little kid grew up to be Trayvon, maybe you'd give two shits about his welfare.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Zimmerman had no offensive injuries, and his face was beaten / broken nose / black eyes. Martin had offensive injures (knuckles from punching) and no injuries other than being shot.

    Yeah, well that's like your opinion man.

    Ever get the feeling you're playing handball against the drapes? You keep hitting it, but nothing comes back.

  8. so one litte detail can't change the blame?

    Sure it can. Where's that evidence? Is none, so all the conjecture and blame so far is political and wrongheaded, which was my point.

    who initiated physical contact?

    Evidence points to Martin. No evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Clear cut.

    did Zimmerman try to detain Martin?

    See above.

    all the evidence exactly the same, that one detail makes this an open and shut case of self defense through some weird circumstances to a murder charge... and as I've already stated, there is no other side of this story to hear...he's dead.

    Again, we're talking about what we have to go on, not hypotheticals. When you WANT the other possibility to be true to fit your narrative of the racist profiler, you're doing exactly, precisely what I said people are doing which is politicizing this.

  9. 676 is a good road when the pavement isn't in poor shape. It was repaved I think a year ago but I haven't been on it since then. There are a few tricky turns so don't blast through unless you can see the exit.

    Cops like to patrol the section where it slows down going into Marietta, so watch for that.

    Got plans, so I can't make it but have fun!

  10. Not necessarily...just dig a little deeper.If you stay off of 664 and the lower section of 374 you should be o.k.Try some of the good county roads such as Big Pine,Thompson Ridge,Kreashbaum and Illsboro-Ceder Falls to name a few.Also,go a little east to 356 and freshly paved 691.You won't see to much tourist traffic on any of these roads except possibly Big Pine.

    On Memorial Day weekend a lot of the back roads are heavier traffic than normal - remember a lot of those roads have cabins and getaways on them too. I've made that mistake once.

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