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Posts posted by swingset

  1. Feet forward design = fuck that.

    I guess when you're straddling 700 awesome CC's of Honda power, you need to be in the gynecological position.

    It'll sell like a hubcap tractor. I thought Honda was heading in the right direction, then they announce a whole bunch of variants of this goofy sport cruiser.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Man I have heard him being called a 'lib', a 'neocon', a traitor, a terrorist, righteous......depends on who is calling him a name. Some claim he has already been caught but law enforcement is keeping it hush hush to meet some kind of agenda. Some claim he is already in Mexico. Funny how the rumor mill works.

    Gotta be a fucking retard to see "neocon" in his writings, frankly. How many conservatives voice their pride in Obama and urge for strict gun control?

    Probably the same folks who thought Jared Loughner was a right-wing whacko.

  3. Well, his manifesto read like he didn't proofread it, that's for sure. And that he has a victim complex, but that's to be expected. Still doesn't mean he's a total dummy when it comes to tactics. If he really had the training from the Navy he claims to have, he'll know a thing or ten.

    From what I read on ARFcom from vets, his experience was greatly exaggerated. Mostly a reservist administrator.

    I have no doubt he's received some basic combat and probably some pretty good police training, he could be a real threat to someone and clearly capable of spilling blood...I think he is very capable of damage but he's not the super soldier he projects himself to be.

    I think his police training was probably more comprehensive towards delivering violence than his navy gig.

  4. The LAPD is taking him serious, so I'll defer to them for now.

    He's a murderer, of course they're taking him serious. I'm debating whether he's smart and calculating, not whether he's homicidal. That part's a given.

    Nothing he's done so far indicates a mastermind at work. He's washed out of everything he's tried, and his present actions are right in line with that string of personal failures.

    I also don't credit the LAPD with an abundance of brains. They are habitually churning out abusive, stupid and reactionary law enforcement officers - including this homicidal idiot. They're also making asses of themselves over the reaction, statements, and actions in locating this man.

    It's a clusterfuck. On both sides.

  5. For a guy who had it planned out, his plan kinda sucks. Gets caught up in a shootout, tries to steal a boat and lets rope get tangled around the prop, shoots a couple people parked in a car....I'm guessing from here on out all his moves look suspiciously like a guy reacting instead of following a script.

    I'm judging this also on his nutty manifesto. Obama supporter, gun-control idiot, I'm not impressed.

  6. Interestingly, on a related note, my wife has an elderly client who (long story short) was selling a car via Craigslist and the "buyer" sped off in the car. The old guy has his conceal and carry license and whipped out his pistol and fired several rounds at the fleeing car (missing every shot). The cops laughed about it while they took the report but didn't cite or arrest him even though his actions we unlawful. I was very surprised to hear this!

    Cool cops, but I'd never base my actions on that.

  7. Here's how I see it: unlawful entry into a home, lawful occupants confront intruder. Intruder had 3 possible choices - surrender to lawful occupants, flee, or confront occupants. Intruder confronts occupants and gets shot.

    Does it matter if he was lying in wait on the couch or coming from his bedroom? I think not.

    I fear ANY person that comes uninvited into my home, period.

    Doesn't matter how you see it. Matters how the judge and jury do.

    You'll be painted as a vigilante with bloodlust, and you might lose.

  8. I don't think I would carry mail for any amount of money.

    1. Dog bites
    2. Extreme weather
    3. Leg and foot problems
    4. Back problems
    5. Hand and arm injuries
    6. Violence
    7. Upset customers
    8. Steps
    9. Rusty mailboxes with sharp edges
    10. Toys, tools, extension cords or hoses in the grass
    11. Dog piles – they’re slippery

    Read it for yourself: http://www.nalc-branch78.org/pdf/articles/The_Hazards_of_Door_to_Door_Mail_Delivery.pdf


    Pizza delivery faces most of those too...and gets shit wages. Being a mailman isn't rocket surgery or a skilled trade.

    They're overpaid, because anyone can do it.

    Not all jobs pay well because they're a pain in the ass. Septic tank cleaners and auto salvage monkeys would make big bucks if that was the case. Most times a job is worth what someone else will take your job for, and no more. In the case of postal workers, they have an artificial pay structure based on union and civil service entry, and it does not adequately reflect the value of their employees.

    • Upvote 1
  9. What if you posted your plan on a public forum from your IP address, one that's cached and available to law enforcement?

    Both ideas will likely put you in jail, and even if you didn't you'd be looking at tens of thousands in legal fees.

    The truth is it's a lot easier to just have a good insurance policy, and defend yourself when you have to.

  10. Really??? You guys are complaining that letter carriers are over paid??? Are you really that jealous?

    Has nothing to do with jealousy. I make more than most letter carriers.

    They're still overpaid, over-pensioned, and over-benefitted for the work they do...and that's from a "skill and value" viewpoint as well as "relative to the company's bottom line".

    The USPS is burdened by the cost of their employees. Yes they're wasteful, but that's not the albatross.

  11. I am from the netherlands and I went to OSU for a short period. The school was not very good but I did get education in how ohio people have many guns. This is strange to me and must ask how small your penis?

    Many people were shot while I was at OSU. The school was awful so I had to go home, but I have to ask why men are so afraid?

    I rode a ninja 250 around campus. No good roads in Columbus unlike my home country, so I wonder why people had bikes and cars in that town. If money is no problem, just drive as bikes are less fun on straight roads.

    My main question is what is wrong with men in america. Why so afraid? Envy of guns makes me think penis envy may be issue

    Hi Mags. I knew it was you because you went right for the penis.

    Do you know where all the really dangerous people with guns are? Inner city, black populations, gangs.

    If there's one group of men with tiny penises, it's African Americans.

    I think you're on to something there.

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