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Posts posted by swingset

  1. Don't let up your pressure. When the media has been complicit in driving the hysteria, I also believe they're able to manufacture stories that attempt to stop the activism from gun owners when they're close to legislation.

    This is the time to hammer your reps and senators...don't believe we've beat this.

  2. I use a single-clip Guild & Goodrich IWB for my SR9 and carry in the appendix position on a bike. Not comfortable carrying anywhere else as it puts the gun on a hard spot and where I'm likely to land. If I land on my belly, it's soft tissue. Might hurt, but no broken bones.

  3. Now, this chart is interesting. It's showing that our most prosperous years since the industrial revolution is during a period from 1944 (or so) to 1966 (or so). You know...when the tax rate was really fucking high on the rich! I know nobody will side with me on this one but I do think there is such a thing as "too rich". Lets have them contribute at those levels again I say! :)

    Correlation, causation. Let's look at government spending. 100% taxation on the rich won't even scratch the debt this current government racked up.

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  4. Thats only income, what about everything else that is taxed? We are now taxed in fast food drive thru, tax on gas, cigs, alcohol, bread, etc. All have went up, NYC is restricted on cola.

    Yup, add in state, local, property and all the other taxes we pay....we're drowning in taxation.

    Consider that we were an incredibly prosperous nation when we had no national income tax...which, btw, was how our nation was designed to operate.

  5. So is slavery. I'd like to see Urban get by on the value of the tuition provided to the "amateur" players.

    Urban is paid by the University for the value he brings to their sports program, which is a tremendous source of revenue. If he wasn't worth it, he wouldn't make that much. If the players or the fans have a problem with that divide, they're free to avoid playing for or watching OSU.

    Slavery is not usually a condition where everyone vies and competes to get themselves into shackles.

    The players get a free tuition, and the chance to audition for multi-million dollar NFL contracts. They're not victims of anything, except their own desire to play at a top-tier NCAA football conference.

    They could go play at Grand Mountain State where the coach only pulls in $65,000, if they're feeling too much like the 99%.

  6. What everyone is forgetting is that it won't take much of a hiccup in the government, markets or social makeup to seriously fuck up food/fuel/electricity...just a touch of panic.

    Now, think about the large metros with a million dependent people living on top of each other. Frustration, anger, and basic needs in short supply will cause some serious violence FAST, and that can spread and be very infectious.

    Do I think it's around the corner? No, but we're laying the groundwork for that really really well right now.

    You guys are right that 99% of Americans are fat lazy and contented. Now, shut off the lights, empty the store shelves, and stop the gas deliveries and watch what happens.

    Things can go south very very quickly.

  7. I'm confused by this... So are you saying steel will not damage your weapon any more than brass will? I've always been under the impression that it is much harsher on your weapon than brass. Sure steel is cheaper, but Jesus every time I use steel I get weapon jams out the ass vs brass where I almost never get a jam. I just can't justify using steel over brass, even at the range.

    No, it will absolutely not damage your weapon. First of all, the steel is very soft - it wouldn't be able to expand and seat in the chamber if it were hard enough to ruin your gun or break stuff. Secondly, all steel rounds are coated with polymer or lacquer that softens the blow of the extractor and bolt face - the only two parts to see a "wear" against the shell.

    I've shot literally tens of thousands of rounds of steel cased ammo (Wolf mostly) in my AR's without breaking a single thing or seeing any significant extractor wear. If it were hard on a gun, I'd have seen it over and over. I also own a range where hundreds of guys have brought guns and ran steel like it's going out of style. I've yet to see a single breakage that could be attributed to it.

    Some guns don't run it well, and if they don't because of tight chambers or whatever then fine run what works but the cost savings would buy your gun twice over the course of a few cases of 5.56 or .308. There is a tangible benefit to using it. The real issue with steel that causes issues is because it seats and contracts differently than brass...it tends to expand and release slower (especially if held by grit or a dirty chamber) and this causes extraction difficulties on some guns.

    Also, a gun that experiences a stoppage once and a while isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've run Wolf at carbine classes and having it shit on you is good training...stoppage drills and all that.

    But for home defense or accuracy, I run good brass from reputable manufacturers or make my own. I know that steel has limited use in most guns (AK's excepted).

  8. I used to think it was a nutty narrative - but most of what's happening is very much in line with "Unintended Consequences". That's a scary thing, by the way.

    It won't be some orderly business if things keep going and we melt down. It's going to look a hell of a lot more like Sarajevo than Gettysburg.

    I am actually not a doom & gloomer but it's undeniable the division and tension building up between the sides, the Federal and states, etc. If you've ever read about the political climate of the 1850's, we're dangerously similar.

    • Upvote 1
  9. As long as I've been around black guns and shooting forums, the pissing match about brass vs. steel inevitably ignores the single most important distinction between the two:

    Real world use vs. range use.

    For practice, range time, drills, even plinking there is simply no reason not to use steel. The cost savings over time will buy a new rifle. The steel absolutely does not ruin chambers, barrels, break extractors or anything else that warrants the fear...and if it did? You saved enough to buy new parts or a new gun.

    For real world use, brass. And, all the best tactical or self-defense ammo is loaded in it anyway.

    I've used both extensively for years and years. I've stuck some steel in the chambers, I've seen some bad brass too, but I never confused the role of the two. One is for when it doesn't matter, the other is.

  10. The OP corrected himself before anyone else had a chance to respond. I posted a link to the actual state report that has been public for a few days now. We were having an adult conversation about the factual information when you decided to tell us how we weren't doing it right.

    We had already taken care of the wrong information on the first page by the second post and for sure by the third post. You show up on the third page like some half cocked noob addressing a matter already taken care of. You usually contribute good content so I know you are capable of following along, it didn’t make sense to me that you needed to rehash the first post especially since it had already been taken care of, kind of like you hadn’t read the whole thread.

    If you have a problem with the link I provided not having anything to do with the OP we can address that but I need you to explain how you come to that conclusion.

    I did not see the OP's second post...either didn't catch my eye or I read past it. I saw yours but nothing else by the OP that seemed to indicate he had gotten the message...so I was piling on like a half-cocked noob.

    Tired of all the conspiracy shit, it's been all over this forum and all over every forum, that's all.

    Now back to a thread that it turns out isn't that interesting anyway.

  11. Problem with absorbing information? There is no info wars bullshit going on here. Go back and actually read links before you prematurely admonish the informed.

    ???? This thread is about supposed admission there's no AR involved....based on a Dec. 15th report which has been rendered outdated by later reporting. That's the infowars shit...they've been trumpeting that nonsense for weeks.

    That's what I'm commenting on, and I watched the video posted in the OP. There's no links to read, except one you posted which has nothing to do with that.

    I have no problem absorbing information, which is why I'm sure there's not a big mystery about the AR being used, and there is no real admission to the contrary.

    Why are you bent out of shape anyway? You're not the OP.

  12. Early reporting was fucked up. Since that early December confusion reports came out that multiple 30-round mags inside, spent rifle brass, coroner says all wounds from rifle, blah blah blah.

    There's no conspiracy - there's no official report yet. All there is so far is shitty early reporting and conflicting reporting at that.

    We knew just as much (and it was all wrong) about Aurora and Columbine at this stage of the game.

    Enough with the infowars bullshit.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Looks like Die Hard made sweet love to In The Line of Fire and Under Siege, and it's formulaic baby puked out a trailer that gave the entire plot away.

    In a world where a disgraced SS agent is blaming himself, it'll take one incredibly opaque villain to make him kick terrorist anuses. From the mind of the guy that wrote some other movie that wasn't particularly well received, and the artistic vision of a dude that worked on Michael Bay movies and loves explosions comes this Summer's biggest epic that will be in the $5 bin by Halloween....

    Oh who am I kidding, I'll watch it.

    • Upvote 1
  14. The entire crux of all this is there's no official word on any details of the shooting - YET.

    We're basing conspiracies on bad press, no press, and leaks.

    Did the same thing during Columbine, and now we know all the pesky details some years later. It wasn't anything like the speculation, or how the press said it was.

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