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Posts posted by D-Ramey

  1. I've known about that for a few years; I used to see that gathering every weekend when I lived on south campus.

    I figured they were mostly squids who preferred to stand around and talk about how sweet their bike is and then go do stupid shit on the streets mostly for attention and such. If I remember right, I rarely saw helmets ON people's heads (always strapped to the side of the bike, if they even had one at all) and jackets seemed to exist purely for fashion. I could be totally wrong though; I mostly viewed the 7/11 group through the eyes of a non-rider because I myself didn't start riding until after that first year on campus.

    i agree with you on some of the fact's...but there is some that wear helments and leathers, i wear both no matter what.. we ussally meet there then head over to freebis

  2. if your from the columbus area and your familar with the bike seen you know about 7/11 on high street next to taco bell and acrosss from gateway thats where alot of people meet up on wed and fri and sat....and then go racing or whatever....:D

  3. ok i just got home. i was the one that found jerm on the side of the road. me and the new guy nate came around the turn/hill sorta thing and i saw a man pushing his hand up and down telling me to slow down. i figured there was probably a cop up ahead so i hit the brakes. when i looked back at the road i saw jerms bike on its side and him on the berm of the road. we immediately shut off the bikes and ran to him. he had slid about 100 ft before he stopped.

    i got him to lay down taking pressure of his leg. at first he thought his leg was broken. so i called 911 and stayed on the phone until the sherriff came. by that time tj had turned around (he was leading) and was with us. after about 5-10 min the ambulance showed up and they had to cut jerms boot off. they took him away and me and nate stayed with his bike until tj came back with the truck to tow it home.

    we rode over to mercy fairfield where he is at now. he is pretty doped up at this point :)

    for all those that know jerm, you know hes a good rider. do not think something like this cannot happen to you! we need to be safe out there guys. ive seen 7 wrecks in less than a year. ive been debating on whether to go track only and this was it for me.

    keep jerm in your prayers guys!

    edit: jerm got into a tank slapper

    x's 2 on the staying on the track ,2 of my buddys went down this year in front of my and one really bad last year....i lost a really good friend in 05 on shrock road by budwiser plant and the other lived wear your gear and ride safe... dress for the fall not the weather.

  4. some sucks on that dyno like mikes r1 it has a R and D race cut tranny witch u CANT use the motor to slow the dyno down thats why it took so long for him to slow it down. they cut the shit down so far that he can foot shift the bike and not cut gas. but makes the dogs really thin on the gears

    fucking crazy, yeah mark went with 2nd gear cut back or something stock rods and je pistions no spray didnt even no what the bike made... got to 80% throttle tuning then she got blow by really bad took her back to joe holt and one of the pistions where mealted really bad...got her rebuilt before bike week took it there over heated once...lol damn 1397's

  5. You're right, that's why he UP shifts which is why his foot pushes UP on the shifter while it decelerates.


    i re watched the video and relized he is up shifting..lol my bad in one video it looked like he was down shifting
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