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Everything posted by ls1plus

  1. no, i broke everything else... the guy thats helping me go through mine said in his opinion the input shaft is the main thing holding back the torque capacity.i have to replace it anyways since 4th gear is bad but couldnt find the upgrade anywhere
  2. anyone offer an upgrade for the input shaft of a ls1 t56? i have only found them for ford
  3. Asshole describes half of my friends. lol.
  4. and you were there? or are you saying you have a 1k and it isnt possible???
  5. 1000, thats why i am looking into something else now. Was talking to a couple friends last night. One said his 1000 came up at 130 with a passenger.
  6. that sounds familar and it is in the right area, i sent him the name and i am waiting on a response. i would just have him show me, but he moved
  7. guy i know bought parts for his t56 a couple years back and he cant remember the name of the shop. he said the prices were alot cheaper on some parts. he said it was just south of the airport and was maybe on 5th. anybody have a clue what the name of this place is?
  8. Thanks, that would save the $200 in shipping for both ways i am looking at.
  9. i had a like-new one i bought for a spare, i sold it for a loss then mine broke. I am kicking myself for that
  10. this must be the guy in the picture at the track who asked to be spotted several lengths because his vtec wasnt working.
  11. did you buy a used stock replcacement, built one, or?
  12. it gets upgraded to viper specs according to the website
  13. i am looking at tick performance as well, their stage 2 is a little more in my budhet but the stage 3 is around 1,800 and has the upgraded input shaft. maybe i need to save a little more. i will check out rpm. if you upgrade the input shaft, do you have to use a different clutch?
  14. i read stock maf is good to 500 hp, stock throttle body is good to 600 hp
  15. upgrade the input shaft? d&d said they will do that and upgrade everything else for 2k last time i called them, anyone else do good work for any cheaper?
  16. t56 has had enough. What all needs to be replaced ? i know the 3-4 shift fork needs upgraded, but other than that, i am lost. Is it worth upgrading the input shaft? how many people have broken them?
  17. I am assuming from your first post it is all stock valvetrain. With stock valvetrain, 6k is all the farther i would push it. When my valvetrain was stock, i bumped the limiter to 6200 and ended up breaking 3 springs and 2 pushrods if i remember correctly.
  18. i hadnt, they dont look half bad, i saw the vfrs but wasnt sure exactly what sport touring was. damn, decisions decisions
  19. She wants to get her license but i told her no for now because she is not a very agressive driver and i believe she would panic instead of react in an emergency situation. maybe a couple nights a week i will have a passenger so maybe half the time. enough bike- i just want to make sure that the bike is torquey enough at low speeds and in town as well. i am concerned about fitting on the bike as well, but i guess i could fix that by going and sitting on a couple different ones
  20. thanks that helps. how many miles were on your bike for that price if i may ask?
  21. I realize i was going to do a big jump but was going on a couple more experienced riders advice who said to respect the throttle until i was comfortable so i wasnt buying another bike in a year or two. I have heard there is a night and day difference from an f2 to an f4. I am 6' and weigh 235 and my gf is around a 100 and she will be with me alot. I wont be pushing it to the limit with a passenger by any means, but i am afraid of a newer 600 not being enough bike for 300+ lbs. Should i look into a 750 or is a 600 enough bike and a big enough frame? They arent dealing on the 1k so my options are open. Thanks...
  22. thanks. I didnt see any rash or scrapes but will look closer when i make it back. The license plate mount was on the left side and it was turned 90'.
  23. Lol. He obviously hasnt seen my girlfriend or he wouldnt be calling her fat. Maybe i threw him out of a bar when i was bouncing or embarassed him a different way and he is lashing out on the internet.
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