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Posts posted by Lost1888

  1. I use the media player on my bb and jvc ear buds. I used to always say I wouldn't listen to music because I figured it would be a distraction. Was I wrong! All season I have been listening to tunes riding and can't go back to not listening. If anything I concentrate a little better with a tune playing in my ears.

  2. So Tpoppa is meeting earlier than I want to meet up and most likely going to be back earlier than I want to also. So is there anyone else going anywhere today? If not I'm going to head out about 10 ride south all by my lonesome and ride till around 9 and slab it home.

  3. I run a 15/47 combo and really like it. I used to have a 14/48 and and that was just stupid for touring and twisties. Came on the bike when I bought it. So I changed it as soon as they wore out. I still have the sprockets and would be alright giving them to you to try out if you would like. Option is there for the taking. I'm not going to be home for this next week so it will have to wait till after the 25th it you want to try it.

  4. I usually go to Shade Tree also but I think I'm going to Geauga Powersports in Burton for now on. Matt the owner is a real nice guy along with his wife and they tried their damnest to help me get a Pilot Road 2 a week ago when I was trying to find one. Couldn't and I got a flat in Middlefield so I just went to Shade Tree. Here's their # if you want to talk to Matt - 440-834-1125

    Also you can look at their FB page-http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Burton-OH/Geauga-Power-Sports/277194875667?v=info&ref=ts&__a=16&ajaxpipe=1

  5. Just as long as it doesn't rain I'll be happy. I don"t carry rain gear with me and don't plan on it until I splurge for saddle bags. So if it rains I get wet, if it doesn't then I stay dry. The best part is basically the whole ride will be in the forest, game lands and at least 10 degrees cooler. PA is one of my favorite areas to ride in the summer because of that.

  6. I don't think I ever said anything about this here. So I will now.

    I'm headed back to the Finger Lakes (Keuka Lake) for a family vacation. Last time I drove, this time I'm riding and it was a different lake (Conesus).

    The plan is to take the dogs to the kennel Saturday morning when they open, my wife and kids will leave in the car and when I get home from the kennel I'll take off. We'll be gone for a week so if you want to brake into my house now is the time.:wtf:

    Here's my route plan I figured up 10 minutes ago. Originally it was going to be a two day ride leaving work on Friday but I changed it. The map says basically 8 hours. I'm figuring closer to 10 with stops and pictures. I've ridden all the stuff in Pa so I know what's in store there. Ny is another issue.


    The route home I'm going to stay north in Ny and catch Lechworth State Park for the true "Grand Canyon of the East" then down towards Chautauqua lake.

    Should be fun. Of course I'll post pictures when I get back.

  7. I made up a flier for a coworker who is putting on a Poker Run for his family member. I haven't had a chance to find out the specifics other than what's on the flier.

    I plan on attending for a little while to support him and hope some of you may consider it also. Here's the flier. Have a good day all! If your out and about be safe.


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