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Everything posted by skrewloose
I'm registered. Also have a 44 suit ... JR Highside, all black ... been down and repaired (by Barnacle Bill) ... I can't wear the suit after dropping weight. edit: suit size and removed name tape --- needs home!
Dealing with ex wives is SO much fun. I just LOVE it
skrewloose replied to ShankroidBeast's topic in Dumpster
"don't talk to me until you have taken your meds" .... and "you forgot to take your pills today, huh?" -- actually not me, my Marine roommate to his former Marine wife who was discharged for mental shyte. Needless to say, he got the shyte beat out of him more than once by her. -
been meaning to buy a set of these ... can't wait to take on some woodchucks.
howdy neighbor ... welcome to OR!
debian squeeze-me, please-me .... need more testing but start up to browse is faster than firefox but page loads are close to being on-par (bit faster in chrome), some javascript runs faster, but some also crashes... **Compared with firefox with browsingsafety features off, pipelining enabled, cache parent_directory set to a tmpfs (ram), ipv6 disabled, and a few other tweaks. The new tab home page is like opera's ... no big deal... but clean and functional, been using opera more often (over firefox) b/c of this feature ... don't like how the last tab being closed,closes browser, maybe should close the page and return to a new tab ... leave the closing of the browser to program close "X" ... *edit - firefox 3.6 has been released - for having "enhancements" .. not impressed with speed. Still playing though.
I stopped dual booting about 2 years ago ... I have an XP VM (vmware or virtualbox) on my system ... can sync my desktop vm to my laptop vm and off I travel ... return from travel, reverse the process... yeah, yeah ... drivers, games, what-not .... wine and ndiswrapper takes cares of most of what I need from windows. CrossOver Office makes the installation of Windows programs that much easier if you want it. They actually gave it away for free for a day before Bush got out of office. The only thing I use XP for anymore is Visual Studio development (working on moving to Monodevelop (linux)) and testing crap people send me.
could be the keyboard connector is loose on the motherboard. Had this happen with a few dells.... as well as the monitor flickering... not sure how the compaqs are put together but for the dells and sonys I have pulled apart it is usually just popping the plastic off from under the monitor - right @ the top of the keyboard and removing a couple of small screws to get the keyboard up .... make sure all connectors are secure ... if not, found problem.. if so ... may have to send it in ... or see if someone has same type laptop without the problem and try their keyboard (since you have it off already). Vista sucks ... go back to XP or upgrade to Windows 7 .... better yet... download a couple distributions of linux (live cd's) and boot into them to test them out without any modifications to your windows installation. For you porn freaks .... using a live linux cd is a good way to surf without mucking up your system with viruses.
RIP David Hall. Marine killed in Afghanistan yesterday.
skrewloose replied to InyaAzz's topic in Dumpster
RIP .... Semper Fidelis ... God Speed .... -
ass *edit -- oh damn ... got beat
and women say it hurts....
Oh WOW... not that hungry ... I'll pass....
Where's the sign-up sheet? :tongue:
run it south from 800 to 7 ... ... and don't slow down for the hills .... I like 255 since they repaved it... 536 -- the speed pumps get worse as the temp rises.... still like 556 though ... smooth, fast... there are many nice roads .... 147 is another that has a nice set of switch backs you can get a good fast rhythm through ... make it into WV .... less traffic, a lot of nice pavement...
I knew if I put "CORE" in the thread, no one would show ... word gets around.
Some folks from CORE are riding tomorrow (Sunday - 4/26) ... no real route planned... probably make some stuff towards SE (Ohio River area - 536,556, 148,147,145, 800, etc) ... for those who ain't skeered of riding with CORE ... we are meeting in Bolivar @ 0900 for a 0930 take-off. In Bolivar we will decide to shoot either slab to top of 800 or run 212-151-9-147 and so forth.... as always - ride your own ride, leave the ego @ home, if you want help, have a question, want someone to ride with you, whatever, speak up ... we are out to ride and have fun, not get pissy and run a thread of who did what on a ride and what kind of ride suits you better.
my Winter Warmer that I brewed at the Brew Kettle (Strongsville) turned out mighty nice .... out of two 22 ounce 12 packs, I think I now have 6 left ... good alternative to X-mas ale... and a bit smoother out of the bottle.
"Girl" Motorcycle Character "Arcee" in Transformers 2.
skrewloose replied to jagr's topic in Pics and Vids
a purple buell.... mf'r ... the holographic rider better be a hot chick ... g damnit ... I always liked bumble bee and jazz ... -
I had the yellow S ... 2004 ... all stock suspension except the 636 rear shock .... rode the "F" out of that thing... IP will attest to it ...
wanna meet on a CORE ride and we can work it out ... I started with the suspension list on sportriders. http://www.sportrider.com/suspension_settings/146_suggested_suspension_settings/index.html have to keep in mind weight, etc.... I had the front dropped 10mm on mine and set it up from there... gotta feel comfortable with it... also have to understand, set it up for spirited, it will feel harsh on the daily commute... I like x-mas ale ... guiness is too thick for me ... drinking a winter warmer a few friends and I brewed while reading this crap... getting hard to read this crap ...
I just want to say to JRMMiii --- I miss my SV1000S (silver) ... fun.. little heavy through tight switch backs... but definitely a competent bike with the right setup... And to anyone else... let's just ride... don't fret the small shit.
use my left hand for everything .....
hey damnit, I'm a lefty and a jarhead... and yes, I'm sick this crap ... I kind of wish I had made it to the start of this ride... not saying it would have been better, on the contrary probably worse ... but those on CORE will attest, we have gone round and round with a few riders that show up, maybe once a year, and blame others or their bikes for their issues.... whether an accident in a case or more ... or their lack of keeping up ... Shit of it, we don't mind waiting... heck it is a break for the folks up front ... those that like to push and understand the limits of tires, bike and self ... like to push... but we wait (yes, said over and over again ) ... at every turn/stop sign/stop light/change in direction ... keep following the road your on and you will run into someone waiting. WE count bikes and want everyone to enjoy, learn and become better, SAFER riders. You can be safe and ride faster than the posted speed limit. Speed limits are consistently getting out-dated do to vehicles getting better handling, suspension, etc ... roads getting better ... 90% of corners, the posted speed limit through that corner, can easily be doubled on two wheels.... but first, you have to be comfortable with the bike, yourself and understand the proper mechanics doing so. I love riding ... that is why I am here... not here to piss people off, out pace people .. I'm here to help ... want to ride alone and watch me, switch and I watch you ... give pointers, watch my line, etc ... speak up ... grow up and speak up ... or shut up and I will still wait for you ... if you are faster than I ... I hope you wait at the next stop for me so I can ask you some questions on how I can ride smoother, faster, better, safer .... let me f'n know ... Help your fellow riders and we will loose fewer riders. peace .