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Everything posted by skrewloose

  1. First, believe it to be irrelevant. Ride your own ride. Someone else's pace should not dictate yours. Second, comparing this ride to any other ride (CORE OR NOT), irrelevant, can't compare something that is in constant flux. Every ride is different. Lastly , can't even call it a "CORE Ride" ... too damn cold and gear donned doesn't dictate. Just because Jbot started the thread and he rides with CORE? Or is b/c no one ever complains on a OR ride? It was just a friendly "short" ride to get acquainted with the bike and roads at hand. Enjoy the weather.... Can we finally drop this crap??
  2. speaking your mind is one thing... but you are out of line... go to a small room and do your anger management exercises
  3. man, I didn't even ride with you and I hope I run into you .... you are a petty P.O.S. that doesn't deserve anyone's time. Why can't you just say that we don't ride like you are used to and don't prefer to. Call it a day and go away. Your petty comments are unnecessary and foolish. All be it, funny as hell for blowing this out of proportion ... but J.C. man, such negativity from someone who should get release from just riding... group or not... And if you want to ride in a group that's so tight your butt f'n the dude in front of you ... feel free... you think that is safe? just don't come ride with me unless you change your thinking.
  4. HOLY CRAP ... how did I miss the fun ... ??? At least it wasn't me ... Wasn't even riding with this dude and the "red bike leading" question arises and my screen name gets thrown out .... .... hehehe... to each his own ... you showed, you don't like that style of "group" ride ... fine... either show next time with a different idea of what to expect ... or don't show... your choice.. you are not stopping any one of us from riding. You are definitely not hurting anyone's feelings... Be happy to ride with you, share pointers, techniques, etc ....
  5. congrats. carry smart. one holster is never enough (neither is one gun ) ... clothes change, concealment changes.
  6. nice piece. Run the break-in of 300-500 rnds before your class. Kahr's are tight guns coming from the factory.
  7. the XB ... he said something about a 12 in the first post.
  8. I have ridden the XB9R, XB12R and the 1125R ... all fine machines. Haven't had a good chance to run the heck out of the XB9R in the corners yet, but have had a XB12R on some WV roads and the 1125R on Mid-O (Buell release track day). The motor of the 1125R is a step up from the XB's plant. Good pull through-out. The 5-speed transmission and and lack of top-end running room takes some getting used to and some people don't wait around long enough to learn it, so they leave it. The XB's are touchy to suspension setup, which turns some off (again, not learning the bike) ... but once setup, they can rail. They are stable and easy to ride through the corners... with torque that doesn't care which gear you are in ... it will pull out (especially the 12). I know a guy you races them (XB9R -- he now has an 1125R (not sure if he plans on racing it)). Ride any bike for what it is and get it setup right for you. Every bike has ups and downs, get to know what you prefer. I have ridden 2, 3 and 4 cylinder bikes, I ride learn them, set them up and ride the crap out of 'em.
  9. even with the cost of ammo going up, much cheaper to to use a bullet on anyone serving life terms .... thin the heard and no one has to be let go. I read in every mag from the AMA that they are working on stiffer penalties for someone found guilty of causing the accident where a motorcyclist was killed... how f'n long does it take??? I hate that we [motorcyclists] are put at a higher standard to get on the road (more training, tests, etc) but lesser when it comes to someone killing us with a vehicle. Any idiot can get a drivers license and buy a car, but a special breed to ride a motorcycle, thus we know the risks of some ass not seeing us and whatever else may happen on the road? So politicians, judges, etc think the "general" public doesn't deserve the same penalties? Mf'rs ... you get stiffer penalties if you are harming an animal.... this country is b.s.
  10. OOH RAAH ! BARRY - Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out! SEMPER FI, DO OR DIE!
  11. rode into work this morning ... was 26 with wind chill of 22 .... hands got cold, but knew I would be wanting the bike for lunch and the warm ride home.
  12. 1 egg on slice of 12 grain toast or 1 egg, 4 cheese shred, 2 pc of bacon in whole wheat tortilla ... (of course Tabasco is used while cooking the egg) ... ++coffee++
  13. no, just the av360 crap hit a couple of co-workers... if it is anything like that, best bet is to plug in the hard drive into another machine... it hides in the page file, registry and some other files that are liked by a running system.
  14. also check the START -> PROGRAMS -> STARTUP folder... if you have the adobe speed launch (installed by adobe reader), remove that stupid thing... useless memory hog that has locked more than a few machines in my time.
  15. Vista? Sound card make/model?
  16. :bitchfight:children.... behave
  17. I like zabbix for monitoring .... had some experience with nagios and didn't think I could do enough with it, with what little time I had to get something going on all the desperate OSes in the environment... good to see there are others that live in the CLI ....
  18. let's this weather warm up and we'll ride... 190 will definitely change the turn-in characteristics ... but squirrely? ... would need more info on where, is it the suspension compressing, making it feel in-planted while maintaining a line? just turning in stability, etc .... could be anything and everything, softer rubber, smaller tire, poor suspension setup, could also be more than just the rear ... now that you changed the rear have you changed the front setup? ... profile of the tire can change ride height, angles, etc. ...
  19. I don't brew at home, yet ... but looking to start ... brew kettle around the corner from my office in Strongsville has been my brew haven ...
  20. Great Lakes Christmas ale is tops, but since it is seasonal and the only place that has it is Buddies in Brunswick @ the moment, it gets harder to find after two months on the market. Just brewed some Winter Warmer @ the brew kettle... bottle it in 2 weeks, that stuff is a good alternative to x-mas ale. A good pumpkin ale (also had one @ brew kettle) ... too sweet for more than a few ... Sam Adams and Great Lakes has some good brews. Miller Lite for cheap and easy.
  21. IP and RedCloud nailed it... this year we had a lot of new riders (some with egos) and some bad weather riding ... it is not IF it is WHEN ... it happens and you can't control everything.... we do stress controlling the things you can, like riding gear, tires, etc ... we even discuss suspension settings and how the bike feels to those new or want a second opinion on setup ... ask, ask, ask those that know... egos hurt.
  22. Street riding: once, dodging an oncoming car, in my lane, in a corner ... Racing: twice, (Nelson Ledges) highside out of the carousel (pushing the rear end to hard) and got a false neutral into 12 -- figured I would save it in the grass and hit a car rut
  23. idiot for taking a Valium w/ Vodka in someone else's place.... he should have done his business and left ... then to wake up to her snoring .... some carving retaliation would have happened at that point... PSYCHO!
  24. thnx for the add... let's ride beeotches, I'm sick of this snow.
  25. oh my ... I feel violated. anyone get a pic of the urinal pad in the men's room???
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