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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. wrong, wrong, wrong.....if it is going rain all day then you still get there early and drink.
  2. Very sorry to hear this. Enjoy the time you have. Having been through this with my father, the fact that he made it home was a great step and IMO makes a huge difference as far as their will to keep the fight going. My dad had a goal to get just strong enough that he could leave the rehab facility her and make the trip back to his home in Northern Michigan.
  3. IP has some Alpinestars on clearance. The pair i bought last year for $250 is now $150.
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/man-dies-strip-club-night-unpaid-lap-dances-005353322.html
  5. Not a complete shock with some of the statements he made concerning his wife and the Japanese GP last year. Having a kid will make you reevaluate your priorities.
  6. He gave it to the kids with ADHD to help them out but slung it to the jocks and burners. That way he could feel good about himself and still make a buck.
  7. Shit happens. Whether or not people want to admit it, everyone has shit like this happen. If you have a true good friend that has no direct or indirect involvement in said situation, that has been my best avenue in the past. If they have any sort of involvement then their opinions or emotions can come into play and muddy the waters. If they are a true friend, they won't pass judgement or talk about it to others. Good luck!
  8. "Boobs or Barney: Which Would You Pick?"
  9. I can't wait to party with you in NC if that's how you role. CLASSIC!!
  10. Wow, that is really funny when you read this and look at your avatar.
  11. I believe this whole training scheduling issue is a polite way of this company telling him to go fuck himself within the Ohio employment laws.
  12. I'll preface this by saying I didn't read all of the "pissed at my boss" thread so forgive me if this was covered there. If this job is so important to you why the fuck wouldn't you take a half day of vacation at your primary job to do this training? Additional thoughts after reading your last post, why the fuck is it up to your boss to pull something out of his ass to make this situation work for you? You are responsible for your own earning potential and family responsibilities. Grow the fuck up and act like a man. This is a prime example of what is wrong with people, you need to make it work for me instead of trying to work together. If I was your manager I would have sent your ass packing when you went off the first time. Don't feel bad one bit for you losing a job that you could keep if you really wanted to.
  13. This right here is a warning sign....Payment: Cash Only Most places that have shit service operate like this so you can't dispute the charge with your CC company. Hop[e this gets resolved properly.
  14. Feel sorry for Mykill and jstumpalump150 of that is the case. Put a few drinks in me and my professional grade chainsaw kicks in.
  15. To go to the R&D hanger you have to present your Drivers License at a sign in stand in the main museum. They take 40 or so people over at a time on a bus. Well worth the time. The Presidential collection is amazing along with the fact that you can walk through the planes.
  16. Just heard about this. Sad day. Saw them on the License to Ill tour.
  17. Stopped to look at the damage today, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Props to Thiel's, i enquired about a new fairing and they had no problem with that and a few smaller issues I found. I should have my new fairing in about a month. Happy customer in the end.
  18. When is the website going to be back online?
  19. So much internal conflict. You're a Therapist's wet dream.
  20. This. I have no problem paying for the service. I'm going to make the drive to the shop tomorrow and look at the fairing and see how bad it is. Accidents do happen. The biggest thing that pissed me off is that they took 24 hours to call me and i was still at the shop when it happened. Thanks for all the input.
  21. So my incredibly shitty day got even worse about 30 minutes ago. I get a call from the shop where I dropped my bike off for service last night. While they were pulling it into the shop (almost 24 hours ago) they dropped my bike. Damage is a bar end and the right side fairing. I am told the fairing has about a 4 inch scratch that needs to be filled and then painted. The offer is to have then service my bike for free, replace the bar end and buff out the scratch (it would still be noticeable) or the will replace the bar end and send the fairing out for repair and repaint. No ETA given on when my fairing will be fixed. Input?
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