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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Not sure what the pledge, which im assuming you mean pledge of allegiance, has to do with kids being spoiled brats. But on a side note I agree that parents are getting well to soft and giving their kids everything. But on the other side with the threat of Social Services and all kind of other shit breathing down your back for giving you child a spanking for doing something mega wrong what else is there to do. Just my 0.02$ not trying to start a debate or pick any fights. Ill punish my kids for doing wrong and if they want something they need to work for it like i did. I don't hide this fact.

    Back to topic of the thread it was just plain wrong for what the teachers did.

    He's trolling. Don't feed it.

  2. That makes my boy parts tingle. Gryphon engine XIV's too, those were the pinnacle of fighter development of their day.


    I just read that on a more detailed write up. If there are indeed 20 in crates this represents 1% of all Gryphon Spitfires build. The best part is that if they all become fly able airframes it will increase the number of flying Spitfires by almost 66%. There are currently only 33 flying Spits out of almost 21,000 built.

  3. Even better is to get a woman that can throw down with the guys and not be girlie all the time that is fun to be with and party with so you want to bring her instead of have to bring her. I asked mine to come for just this reason. She offered to stay home but its more fun with her. And she'll out party half the guys on the list. ;)

    My wife is the same way and developed her own small fan club on here. She would have come to this weekend except we are going to Chicago 3 weeks before and could not get a sitter or anyone to take care of the horses.

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