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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Ah, this is just my game... :)

    First off, you need to understand and prepare for the distinct possibility that you will want to get the fuck out of there that Sunday. Vegas is a sprint, not a marathon, and I've found that 3 days/3 nights is more than adequate. 4 days is spreading it REALLY thin.

    So true. I have been out there on 2 separate occasion for week long conferences. I believe it is the closest I have ever come to being hospitalized for exhaustion and alcohol related issues. thank good is was when I was about 10 years ago. The cap on the second occurrence was that United went on strike the day I was to fly home.My option was to sit in the LV airports for an unknown amount of time or take the long way home. I flew from LV to San Francisco, had a layover, then SF to Chicago, Chicago to Columbus. I landed in Columbus 24 hours after arriving at the LV airport. My wife looked at me, shook her head and asked how i was standing. Needless to say I slept for almost 18 hours after getting home.

  2. Enjoy! if you want to go on the cheap stay at Hotels off the strip or towards Fremont St. Other wise if you want to stay on the Strip I highly recommend the Paris. Flights are about the same, you can always look at flying out of Dayton or Cinci. Most flights either connect in Chicago or Denver.

  3. lurking requires no posting

    all but 4..... I mean Im pretty sure it was 4

    more like an attempt to defend the nuts your used to hangin off of. Amazing how you show up after the "Prez" starts taking a beating and you call it lurking.

  4. Does it have plenty of tie down hooks? It will take a bunch to tie down 4 bikes. Also, Matt is pulling us down, so it is ultimately his decision what trailer he pulls.

    I can pull anything that keeps the bikes upright. I've pulled a 4 place enlosed snowmobile trailer across Northern Ontario with no issues. Biggest concern would be a quick test run if the trailer has electric brakes to make sure there were no issues.

  5. So who is gonna make our sammitches on the ride down and back?

    Yup, we can fit 4 on my trailer. I thought it was you, me, Gump and Joel (MM) but I cant remember. Do you have a way to get your bike to my place or do we need to figure out those logistics?

    Yep. I was going to ride over the night or so before. Jill will bring me home. If the weather cooperates, I'll just ride to work and then drop my bike off after work.

  6. who am I driving or riding with casper,max , gump .my truck & cargo trailer will hold 4 bikes or five I thank its 14'x5':wherethefuckarewe:6' & got 12mpg doing 70mph to shack this week with trailer hooked but dime bag has one that will hold 8bikes I like my shit out of site & dry & of poo.

    I am down to ride:scooter: down as long as I trailer back cuz I feal:wheelchair: it after we get to getter

    I believe the plan is take my Excursion with one of the trailers, maybe Shaun's?

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