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Everything posted by jbot

  1. go to motoseries website and register. or you can call the number on the website and register that way.
  2. i personally think this would suit you betterer
  3. My parents ARE terribly proud. and this is how you're supposed to leave OR gap hurrr i have no comeback for this. i love puppies and they love me.
  4. jbot

    vehicles of past and present.

    things i've driven, ridden, currently drive and ride. ....you'll have to excuse teh ghey
  5. ...and yeah, it's winter so i'm pretty fucking irritable. i'll be off the rag come march when i finally set foot on jennings.
  6. i didn't change a thing, i merely stripped out your 5lb bag packed with 10lbs of homoeroticism from the rest. didn't change a thing. when someone states they sometimes are older guys that enjoys assholes and looks forward to meeting young guys and gives the reason why, they are still saying they like to pack a lot of fudge into a relatively small youthful cavity. i changed nothing, not even the meaning. just the intent. you do understand that, right? and when you can't see and acknowledge your own hypocrisy and merely come back with a thinly veiled "must be latent homosexuality" (which, is laughable if you've read any of the track/race threads on this site) i resort to calling a spade a spade... u so mad. y u mad? are you just uncomfortable being called out for being a sanctimonious douche when you're being one? you can call me a total bag of assholes for what i'm spouting off right now. i would be ok with it cause that's what i'm being right now. most of the time, i'm a super nice guy who just loves puppies. call me, full time puppy lover, part time assclown, and i'll call you full time older guy who enjoys assholes and meeting young guys and part time sanctimonious douche. that's fair, right?
  7. Good to know. I have already said I could care less how others get wherever they're going. Whatever floats your boat. i'm just practicing what I learned from Danimal's new best seller "How to Win Friends and Influence People by Being a Sanctimonious Douche" you're totally right, people DO say far more than they intend. you win a chicken dinnar!
  8. for a very short time, i was king of teh reps... but those days are long behind me. now i'm just the guy who gets held down and shat on his chest by the king of reps.
  9. oh i forgot, someone rep pauly for me since i'm not allowed for a while apparently
  10. cause fuck you, that's why
  11. what does you anal have to do with lock picking and cuf.... ohhhh ok
  12. btw, for those with questions still, per email with todd: credit card, cash, and check are accepted. no fees. Sat is not too late to order though i still don't know what exact date the deadline is if there even is one (since it's such a long time period between him ordering and the distributor even being able to ship to dale) i'm going by there on saturday to pick up a thingie majingie and almost certainly putting in an order for at least one thingie majingie, possibly two.
  13. ok, here's my write up on how to keep your unlimited data plan on verizon, assuming you have multiple lines on your plan and that you don't know how to do this already. this is just based on my personal experience, so ymmv. also, my update a week into owning an iphone 5 1. you should have multiple lines on your plan. i have 4 grandfathered unlimited data lines and 1 with 2gb data. don't ask, i don't know why either. 2. one of your grandfathered unlimited data line is up for renewal! oh no, they're gonna take your unlimited data away if you upgrade zomfgwtfroflbbq 3a. go to verizon store, tell them you want to transfer upgrade (use the term alternate upgrade or buddy upgrade) to the non-data or limited data plan line. 3b. or you can just do this on verizon wireless website. it just takes longer to get the phone this way 4. after receiving and activating the new phone on your 2gb or non-data line, you change the line back to the old phone (whether that is with smart phone or not, shouldn't matter). 5a. you can wait 1 day (you have to have activated and deactivated before midnight the night before) and then activate the new phone on your unlimited data line or 5b. you can call verizon, tell them you want to activate your new phone on your unlimited data line. but want them to verify that you are not losing your unlimited data. if they hassle you over this last point, just tell them you change your mind and get another person on the line. 5c. you can go to apple store or verizon store and have them swap the SIM on your new phone and then activate on your unlimited data line 6. spit on the faces of babies cause you're a dirty cheater of systems and should be shot 7. enjoy your new phone review of iphone 5, about a week or so into it: so mostly, i was worried about battery life on this phone at my current usage vs my galaxy SIII since i do a fair bit of work on the phone and with this one, i can't just swap batteries because steve jobs, in this regard, is a dick bag. anyway, it turned out to be fine, i can get 7-8 hours use and almost 2 full days of standby if i stretch it. there's no telling how that deteriorates as time goes on, but by then i should have a gazillion chargers and shit every which place. the phone is pretty smooth (some hesitation on screen switches here and there, but all phones do that), screen looks very nice, photos look good. all in all, just a well thought out, functional phone. if you have tiny carny hands (as someone i know put it) this phone is excellent for ergonomics. if you want a giant screen, this isn't necessarily the phone for you. actually, if you want a giant screen, a phone isn't the phone for you. anyway, of the things i noticed between the SGIII and iphone 5, i'd say the only thing i could readily point to and say is better on the iphone is the camera. they're both fast and responsive, they both have high resolution, and blahblahblah but the pics output by the iphone is just a bit nicer. you can tell apple's development team definitely has a few more photogs on their payroll than samsung/htc/whatever. like they give the saturation or color just a bit more oomph to make it look more vibrant or life like or something. i'm not a photog, if you couldn't tell, so i can't give you a very well articulated thought on that. anyway, i'm not sorry i got the iphone, though i'm sorry i broke the shit out of my SGIII screen. the end. btw, if anyone is looking for a nice low profile, yet highly protective dual material case for the iphone, i have a spare one of these:
  14. your house is haunted by The Association for Hats of Countries that Actually Matter".
  15. i love a good mystery. look at that handsome group of men and based on this pic of the glock-turned grenade shooters hand and blog saying "Reader H" ... the victim of the case of the suicidal glock is:!!!!! lol jk, i aint saying nothin' though anyone who's not half retarded should be able to figure it out. anyway, if the gun/ammo manufacturer doesn't make this very VERY right, go with HK, reader H. hope your hand is ok.
  16. haha i remember that. that was great. he's just lucky she didn't love her nuts first instead of his tongue.
  17. just to rub it in, dale sent me mine via facebook message.
  18. then you should probably punch the complainers in the face
  19. did you also act NOW to also get a slap chop (you just pay shipping and processing)?
  20. whoever doesnt have a price sheet yet, just pm me with your email. i'll fucking send it. i'll be expecting ball rubbings and mad commissions, you hear that? midget, dale? lol jk, but seriously, if they're too busy i'll send it. the prices ARE really REALLY good.
  21. cancel the auction, agassi is the fucking man
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