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Everything posted by jbot

  1. I kinda sorta really wish the first choice tenant would've moved in (hot realtor lady) but oh wellllll. I'm due for my first visit at the house since my guys moved into the house. I'm going to have a house cleaner go in there soon too after they get their shit settled so they can start with a clean house. I don't understand why people complain about getting hit if they won't say the safe word. Just say "honorificabilitudinitatibus" and I'll fucking stop. No hard feelings.
  2. Maaaaaan I kinda wanna ride but I kinda wanna put a big dent in getting the new bike ready. Also, my only street bike is an absolute torture rack. Also my tender tender vaginaaaaa
  3. I eagerly await the enthusiastic discussion to ensue
  4. Holy balls, out of facking nowhere, it's mr anderson!!1!1!1!!!1
  5. holy balls, wrillo out of nowhere
  6. just make him do everything. he'll swear at you less.
  7. I may have to list TRMN8TR as a sponsor, since I stole a rear set from him (the bike didn't come with one from the auction) Brandon got his fancy schmancy Apex mfg clip ons installed. And, if you look closely near the bottom of the bike, you can see the barest hint of something nice and Ti-ttaysss After many hours (like, 2 too many hours) I managed to get a front fender and tail section drilled and mounted... yeah... i have issues. Brandon figured out how to remove excess wiring, or as he likes to scream "WEIGHT SAVIIIIIINGSSSSSSSS". It was actually big pain in the ass, custom tools were made in the process of removing these wires. and thusly, our build comes along.
  8. in with obligatory post about why i can't help seriously, good luck with the new place. i keep telling people home ownership is way overrated.
  9. It's cute you're trying to make this into some sad version of a free speech issue. It's not. Just like you know the difference between a funeral and an open forum, your brain should be able to tell the difference between "can" and "should" and "decency" and "Westboro Baptist". Again, if you really believe you have the right of this, discuss it in depth with your cousin. Tell him your thoughts on why it was fine Chris Kyle died the way he did. You know you're wrong. I know you're wrong. That's why this is fun for me, and why you feel sad and shitty on the inside.
  10. I dunno about you, but I'm just doing this for the rep, and the by product is I get to make you look stupid... It's a favored pastime of mine. I think it's great you have a high opinion of your reason, logic... I wish you would bring some to the table. that would be refreshing. Then you might do a marginally better job with fire arms debates than piers morgan, your hero. And maybe every once in a while, form an opinion for yourself rather than just copy paste what ron paul said once on YouTube or in an article so you can pretend to be a libertarian. above all else, its really great that your argument has devolved to "you're just being sensitive". Look children, look at all the reason and logic!11!1!1!!1!1!
  11. Go karts, motherfuckers
  12. Right. Your excuse is: because I can, because I'm edgy as fuck. I think you're mistaking "just because I can" with "I wouldn't because I'm not a scum bag". Do you ever read the shit you post out loud?
  13. your parents have failed you. i can NOT believe I have to explain this to you. Did your parents leave the school system to explain to you about the birds and the bees, too? i know you're thinking "well, they both put themselves in harms way, therefore, they are equal in my derptastic world. hurr, i believe in logic!". here's the difference, kiddo: one died putting his/her life on the line for the love of cigarettes (and a variety of other factors). the other died, putting his life on the line in the act of helping fellow combat vets, and not in an active war zone after having already put himself in the way of extreme danger serving his country. you know you dont have to have this explained to you. why do you insist on playing ra-tard? also, you still have no answer for why you can't tell the difference in decency between THINKING "I'm fine with the way he died" and going to a public place to tell a group mourning that "I'm fine with the way he died, live by the sword, die by the sword herpa derpalurp". I know why, and you know why, but I'm hoping you'll remember what it is to be a man.
  14. aww, relax buddy. you're a perfectly wonderful human being. i had lot of fun hanging out with you, i'm sure everyone else would think so. let all the world see the beautiful nivin.
  15. haven't you done a bunch of group rides, and a track days crowded with people? no excuses.
  16. right. there is "fine with it" and then there is "exclaim to a group of people, mourning his death just how fine with it you are because they died helping a fellow soldier to recover from PTSD, not in the warzone and i can't believe i have to explain the difference to you, you fucking simpleton". and did you really equate smoking and dying of lung cancer to being murdered while helping with the therapy of a shell shocked soldier after serving multiple tours in the battlefield? nobody can be that stupid.
  17. i'm in. let's go shoot somewhere outdoors.
  18. and? if i wanted the definition of stupid fucking laws, i would've checked my dictionary. why do you embrace stupid-fuck laws, being a self-declared libertarian? your words were "I'm fine with it. Live by the sword die by the sword." If your cousin gets decapitated by someone he was trying to help deal with their PTSD, I'm sure your eulogy would be a succinct "My cousin had a cool story bro: he killed people with swords. But enough about that. I'm fine with the way he died. Live by the sword, die by the sword lol". what's that? that wouldn't be your eulogy speech? is it because you wouldn't want to come off as a world shatteringly disrespectful fucknut? yeah, i thought so.
  19. no, seriously, he should call it that.
  20. todd calls it.... the thin ginger line HUEEE HUE HUE HUE HUEEEHUEHUEHUEHUE
  21. i find it laughable that you claim to be scient-isty and while changing your stance on a major ethical topic based on fuzzy correlation (at best). almost as laughable as your claim to espouse libertarian ideals while supporting ineffective impotent laws that remove individual liberty. all that dissonance going on in your head has to be difficult, or maybe that's just how you live your life... you have a cousin you would ride a dozen hours to be there for his graduation from ranger school, and then call a military hero's tragic death deserved because he killed people during the course of his service to his country. that has to be weird for you, trying to get all that incongruence to fit together. THAT is why i asked you if it feel weird to suck on a thick veiny cock while calling the suckee a huge faggot. not because you changed your stance on the death penalty, but because i wonder what it's like to be so hypocritical and contrary to the point of... i don't even know. there are no words.
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