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Everything posted by jbot

  1. you're absolutely right, i totally didn't think about the devastating impact to my finances due to one year of increased food and water prices. you're the only one who knows about short term effect of limited rain fall to crops and water supply, not every other adult who has lived for more than 20 years. oh, what will I do? save me, tom cruise!
  2. kyle has his pics up. i think i see some of you on there. http://kylehunter.photoshelter.com/gallery-collection/Novice-7-16-12-Mid-Ohio-PTR/C0000SuFVi6fWMCw intermediate and advanced needs to look in "incoming FTP" folder due to some technical issue, apparently.
  3. my water bill for the past 2 months has exceeded $150/mo due to the sprinklers having to work overtime. i still don't care. i hope it stays nice with just spots of rain like it's been. sorry, no offense meant to those with crops, large gardens, etc... but this is prime fine riding weather.
  4. have a lot more sex none of that god fearing, conservative christian missionary sex.... do some abominable acrobatic, illegal-in-42-states cirque du soleil sex
  5. if you really were sciency, and watched futurama, you would know that can't be done. don't you redneck/hillbillies know anything? http://theinfosphere.org/Earth_presidential_election,_3012
  6. a condom, an ass pad, and refreshed forks? i dunno lol
  7. it turns out it only blew smoke for a couple minutes and then it stopped and hasn't done it again since he put fresh gas in it (it was sitting without stabil in the gas for a long while... probably a bit of water or whatever in the gas lines). it's not a mint bike, but it's kewl. i like
  8. jbot

    The $50 Lesson

    lucky for us, i DO have all the answers. it's just too bad people born in korea and kenya can't be president. i would totally fix everything; hope and change would abound. am i right? am i right? see? it's more fun this way so, just to satiate my curiosity (due to my poor memory) did you eat peanut butter sandwiches exclusively for lunch for a long time? it was either you or another person i know or both.
  9. jbot

    The $50 Lesson

    brb have to go get my new "used" ugly duckling but still awesome non-copper beginner bike titled over to my name so i can legally ride it on the streets. this may take more than 33 seconds, snobs.
  10. jbot

    The $50 Lesson

    eww, i don't make bullets that work only 93% of the time. i own a business that manufactures parts in US, not china. are you trying to say that the current system is at or near the maximum level of efficiency, and to make further changes to make it more "efficient" at rooting out corruption/waste/abuse would cost more than it would save? even if you really thought that... you seriously for serial don't see a serious problem with that? even if you DO seriously for serial see a serious problem with that, doesn't the thought cross your mind that it might be worth changing the way the government goes about the way it handles changes? even if you have to think about it for more than 32 seconds?
  11. jbot

    The $50 Lesson

    *insert willy wonka meme here* *smiley face* the snobbery was referring to the "think about it for more than 30 seconds" comment. i only had to think about it for 29 seconds, so there. simply giving people money instead of actually helping them get out of chronic and abject poverty IS a waste of tax payer money. well intentioned, poorly implemented, easily abused programs often are considered government waste. nobody is jealous of "poor" people except for when they get some baller ass rims on their $500 cars. i wish i had me some baller ass rims. instead, gonna buy me some peanut butter sammiches and save up for a collection of awful copper bikes. (this last paragraph was intended to be sarcasm. look, i'm explaining my sarcasm, gaiz!!1!11!)
  12. jbot

    The $50 Lesson

    i dont think rich people are jealous or apathetic. in fact, i'm quite certain that non-rich, thoroughly lower class income people who simply can't stand to have their hard earned, but easily spent/pissed away tax dollars wasted on countless stories of wasted government spending (no matter what sector, social, medical, military, etc) are not jealous. Mainly, i disagreed with the snobbery and dismissal of the problems with government spending and certain ideals (from a person who claims to hold libertarian views, no less) in the comment "oh, god, just think about it for more than half a minute, they so stoopid and they just jelly". why is it that the way a big portion of the money you (and I and everyone else) earned as a cumulative result of years of hard work, and good upbringing (which, in turn, is more years of investment and hard work by your parents, and possibly/probably their parents before them) is spent not your concern? when you "just worry about myself", as you so ardently proclaim, does that not include "it should be spent wisely"? do you go around blowing huge wads of money on silly ass ugly copper bikes? bad example. how about lunch... i thought i recalled you saying you ate nothing but peanut butter sandwiches for lunch mostly cause it was cheap and semi-good for protein (that could've been someone else... but the point is, you seem to be conscious of your own spending and generally, don't waste). you are a "progressive" in so many ways... why can't social progressives think progressively when it comes to making progress on the way tax dollars are spent? soooo, i guess you do "get it" then. umm... good job.
  13. there should just be a whole website where you post slow motion HD racing videos. i mean, there are entire sites dedicated to foot porn, why not slow motion racing videos?
  14. jbot

    The $50 Lesson

    so... you DON'T agree with magley?
  15. jbot

    The $50 Lesson

    30 seconds of critical thinking should surely have netted you something more than "i'm not jelly of poor people. too busy lol" maybe something like "i sure wish we could cut down waste/abuse in clearly troubled social welfare programs (or any tax payer funded programs, for that matter)". but yeah, "too busy, don't care" is definitely the mindset of those who are of superior intellect.
  16. i warned you! haha that was my first time watching an AMA race in person, and it was fun. i wish i could see what was happening in the rest of the track, and watch replays, but it was still cool. i'll probably skim over the races i DVR'd. the track time afterwards was also a good time. thanks to the murse and everyone else for helping out in the pits since i am slow and not good with warmers and stands.
  17. R1, rvt, trmn8tr, blue and myself will be in garage #17 If you guys are lonely, come pit near us or get a garage nearby.
  18. Where is everyone going to pit? Anyone going to be camping here tonight?
  19. We are heading to the registration place to sign up shortly. Just woke up
  20. Gonna check weather one last time tomorrow morning and sign up
  21. poop. seller emailed me late and said "it's blowing white smoke out the exhaust, hope that's not a problem lol" i might still go look at it if he says it only had the white smoke for a little bit... but otherwise, i think i'm skipping it. if somebody else wants to go check it out for themselves, feel free. the earliest i'm gonna go look at it is in the evening after the races are over.
  22. i think they had to get an old old man to host it so the host isn't walking around with an erection throughout the show
  23. that sounds like a lot of work. i'm going to just go with option C: never run out of battery or have a malfunctioning charging system
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