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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Just wondering who is going to the double track day weekend (no racing, but maybe there is a race school). It's coming up in a few days, so I'm trying to figure out who will be there to pit with. I'm pretty sure I'll be there, but waiting for a couple last minute things to clear up.
  2. nice price and nice bike. sorry to hear about your uncle
  3. i'm sorry i missed this round. i had a good time while i was away but definitely missed riding with you guys/getting passed by you guys. i'll be at beaver and putnam for sure.
  4. are you a dancer? you keep skirting around the question like a mechanical engineering ballerina: should you, mechanical engineer extraordinaire, make more or less than Mr. bluecollar who works on the production/assembly line, ruining his joints and back from the strain of lifting those 45LB 4oz castings of "sweaty nutsack" housings onto the assembly line over and over again, sweating his nutsack off while you sit on your cushy desk job, playing with computers drawing sweaty nutsacks on Solidworks or AutoCAD in the AC and running lifecycle studies on said sweaty nutsack and revising future sweaty nutsack casting designs as a result of tests you know how to develop and run due to your expertise/training/schooling? i'm assuming the answer will be, you should earn more because you impact the earning/losing of money on a bigger scale than the line worker because you add more value overall after the dust settles. just how do you think you add more value when you put in less physical work? how is this possible?! IMPOSSIBRU!!11! am i right? if so, we can go onto the next chapter of "value added hierarchy 101"
  5. so... you aren't disregarding education, training, and/or skill in your first sentence, and then get right to disregarding it in very next few words. got it.
  6. they really thought that one through.
  7. still waiting on an answer to my question. just want his opinion so i can understand.
  8. seriously, you are just wackier than a 15 LB 6 oz bag filled with 25LB 3ozs of platypus
  9. did it just... you know... explode? like someone put a firecracker inside of it, like some sort of cruel frog trick, but with more mushroom cloud?
  10. there was no argument regarding head starts from a long line of wealth, deep rooted networks, nepotism, what have you. the conversation he and i were having was strictly about what are considered "real jobs" and where the value was. that's the general idea i'm going with. i'm trying to figure out just where he is coming from. i'm going to go with teams of godly accountants. didn't obama release his tax returns or something a few years ago? i think his was in the mere 7-8 figure range. i would enjoy seeing one from one of the ultra wealthy, just to see the crazy numbers. though, i'm guessing it just ends up being a chase through the endless corporate tax returns and probably other stuff i have no idea about.
  11. Howdo these compare to psycleskins?
  12. Oh lol I don't think you're in charge of that and I certainly wasn't claiming that. I was questioning what your opinion is as a follow up question to your posts and replies in an attempt to understand why your opinion sounds so stupid when in real life, you're clearly not. So do you think wage should, in large part, be based on how much a "real job" requires sweating and strenuous physical labor versus amount of education, training, skill, etc etc etc? Should a miner earn more than a cancer researcher, for instance?
  13. so if a job doesn't require physical labor, it's easy and shouldn't be paid more than a job that does?
  14. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry, peanut butter rule is ruining my life right now
  15. the fact that i have list ANYTHING to "change" your mind is pretty silly. there are plenty of people that don't do physical labor and don't sweat at their jobs that work just as hard, put lots of hours in, under pressure, stress, and are generally people just like you and me. ANY scientist/researchers of any discipline comes to mind. a multitude of therapists that don't have to perform hard physical labor but they do occasionally have to use years of schooling and generally their brains. programmers of any kind (anything from software to CNC), many engineers, the list goes on and on. you must think investment banking is easy. being a lawyer must be "easy". becoming a judge was easy. what about being a director of films, or writer, or poets? must be easy. seriously?
  16. you mean, doing stuff that doesn't involve getting your hands dirty (literally) or physical labor is not a "job"?
  17. jbot

    Inform me

    motoseries? not because we're fast or anything, but mostly due to the rampant grab-assing ghey factory. any racing is good racing though. i think you just need gear, money, and a prepped bike and a robust ego.
  18. get scooter with auto tranny. roll wrist, no feet needed! hurray! i miss my scooter already.
  19. you remember the construction worker friend from office space (2 chicks at the same time fame)? a guy that looks uncannily like him walks right up to AFJ shop security cam, turns it away from the "crime" scene (while leaving the other camera pointed at his dirty deed) and steals the grill. pretty lol-able
  20. ^ouchie^ she's planning a trip to spain/portugal for our honeymoon, and i'm planning a trip to valencia to watch the GP race that just so happens to require a flight to spain for a few days
  21. this bike looked and sounded quite good from the grand stands at midohio when i was watching the AMA races.
  22. why is OP so rational and not prone to angry outbursts at faceless assholes on the interwebs?! party pooper
  23. i regularly jelq my pps, hoping it'll become a p99. maturity level? over 9000
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