Too much steering input? Maybe more force to turning and less on pulling. I find I pull on the bars when I'm being aggressive rather than just turning it the way it needs to go. I dunno. Occam's razor and all that.
1. good insurance 2. cut a hole in the box 3. put your junk in that box 4. sleep in the box so the next time that asshole breaks in to get to your junk, you can helicopter him in the face. that fuckface.
Mattm should open all his posts with "ahhhllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllahllah". Properly announce the jihad on casper-links, open carry, conspiracies and religion.
Holy crap, totally forgot about this suit. It's still sitting in my garage. $400 (+ shipping at cost), biatch! I have like 3 other suits, so this one's gotta go. If you pick it up, or we meet up, even better.
the zuma sounds like the coughing of a thunder god... you know, when the doctor is pinching your taint the zuma tops out at indicated 60~ mph. so i have no clue. i was just trying to chase down the jew bear typing cat