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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Got time to take a break and hit up QSL tonight?

  2. Try a screw type master link if you can't get a hold of the tool, had one on my old bike, worked great. http://www.motorcycle-atv-chains.com/site/898526/product/mstr2
  3. This might be a decent gauge of being a dick or not that may or may not help before hitting submit..... Would you post the comment you just wrote to this person on their Facebook? If not, the back button might be a better option than submit.
  4. Can you even keep a cobra as a pet? Most pet snakes that I know of are something you can take out and let wrap around you without fear of dying if you accidentally get bit. Dunno??
  5. That's the thing; busting balls isn't a personal attack and is half the fun. Busting balls means " hey nice Hardly you chap wearing queer." I find nothing wrong with that or similiar, or even a lot worse than that. Personally in regards to you specifically, most of the time I find your posts pretty amusing and you rarely attack someone on a level that would be considered degradation. Keep in mind my statements are not directed to anyone specifically, but overall as a group. I think we all just need to take step back and read what you have written before you hit submit. Not everyone is thick skinned. Not everyone is tough. Not everyone has the ability or even the words to stand up for themselves. Not everyone can shake off a stupid forum comment. There are plenty of ways to bust balls, argue, and be a fun dick without being a stupid jackass that brings nothing to OR but stress. This is not just the Intranets, we are not just meaningless avatars, not just a screen name with no face or real person behind it. OHIO RIDERS IS REAL LIFE, AND EVERY MEMBER IS A REAL PERSON THAT YOU CAN AND MAY MEET. I guess if you wouldn't say it to someones face, don't post it here. Simple as that.
  6. Very true. This is not some random forum where we don't know each other. Most of us get together, hang, out, go on rides, and if you are active, you are at least known by a friend of a friend. I will ridicule the people I know without fail, they know me, and they know it is done in friendship and in jest. As personal as this board is, no one should ever be saying ridiculous comments that have no purpose but to seriously degrade a person you have never even met. What is the purpose? To be witty or funny? I can assure you, the writer will be one of few that find it so, and the rest are jackasses. There are plenty of forums that are impersonal and don't worry about the integrity of a post and the negative impact it might have on an individual, find one of those if you have nothing constructive to say. Think about the fact there is a good chance you will meet this person at an event at a later date. I guess if you area troll and never attend any events or have no purpose but to be a dick online, find another forum to vent in. Ill make the people that must be dicks a deal- vent all your frustration towards me. I am open game. I am secure enough in my life that I can take it, and let's leave college kids that are just discovering who they are alone. Now do I believe anything said on this forum contributed to Chachi's decision? Not a chance. While some comments may have exaggerated his situation in his mind, it made very little impact on his final decision. I have struggled with depression since college, survived one suicide attempt in college and spent several stays in hospitals to be sure I wouldn't make another. I know what what he was going through, and I wish I would have read this post earlier to maybe catch a sign of his depression and let him know it does get better and easier. I got through it and still struggle occasionally, but life is good. I keep seeing on here that people don't have any respect for someone who commits suicide. it is hard to when you have no idea what happened and why, but that doesn't mean we should degrade the memory of a lost friend. I believe if you had an inkling of the emotional state of a person who is even thinking of suicide, you might take a step back and say, "well instead of being an asshole, what can I do to help them and the people around them?" I guess my point is being an asshole isn't a contest, or if it is to you, just by playing you automatically lose. Take a step back and think of your comments towards someone you have never met, and ask if you want the same said to you. We will always have disagreements and should feel free to argue them, feel free to bash your friends if you know they can take it, but please just have some respect for others, Ohio Riders, and yourself.
  7. Maybe? I might actually have some time tonight.
  8. If you can edit your poll, your may want to throw in a Marketing/ Advertising/ Arts category as well.
  9. I just lost an IQ point reading this thread.
  10. This might help......? Not sure of its accuracy, just did a quick search. http://www.handgunlaw.us/
  11. I particularly like that just pulling back on the steering wheel of cars gives them the ability to jump 10 feet in the air, yet all of the horse's except the protagonist's lack the ability to jump at all.
  12. That is the best description of a night out with Yota ever except that you have to add in hitting on Tbone's sister.
  13. We are excited to have Howard along for the ride. Guy can play a mean guitar, but still needs work on his spelling. Bethel Road Pub 1375 Bethel Road, Columbus, Ohio 43220 http://www.facebook.com/shallowtail?v=app_2344061033#!/event.php?eid=122404377779661&index=1 This should be a fun show, hope to see you there.
  14. Ha, I stayed at South of the Border a few weeks ago. I love this kind of crap.
  15. I've been in florida and the coastal states all week on the bike getting wet. Said fuck it yesterday and got out. Perfect day for a ride up the carolina coast line.
  16. Dude, I was riding by the speedway Friday night as this was getting started. I don't like nascar, but I bet going to a race would be fun. The track itself is pretty impressive, and it just looked interesting without the race.
  17. Swingset and 1krr have the right idea for a nice overnighter. Check out WV for sure.
  18. Yep, they are the typical interchangable pads.
  19. Nice. I'm probably right behind you on my to DC then florida. If you seea black harley o with a giant tailpack on 70, 79,68, that's me. Have fun and ride safe.
  20. I found them at Microcenter if you are looking local and have one nearby.
  21. After looking at some Blue Tooth headphones to wear under my helmet and finding them too bulky, I found these. Skull Candy Aysm http://www.skullcandy.com/shop/configable/index/links/id/999/cid/6/ They are designed to be worn under a helmet, and man, do they work. They really stay in in your ears, even when removing your helmet. Pretty comfy too, no sliding around at all. I haven't rode long with them, I'll give a better review when I get back from this Florida ride.
  22. What's up? Good to have you back.
  23. Obviously it's a cut and paste from some random forum, but man, you were pretty quick to post it. Goldenshower.com one of your bookmarks?
  24. For sure. I know the band wants to play here, we could do a 2 hour set during the week occasionally if OR wants us to and it would help us get in on a weekend.
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