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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. is it norml for your fingers to smell like vinegar in the morning? wtf
  2. 90% of the people in prison hate pedos etc..most get the no vaseline treatment..thats awesome, shes a hero in my books
  3. very nice bike..do yourself a fsvor and change the oil before you ride it..nice bike again
  4. hopefully one day he learns his lesson the hard way
  5. oh sanp..another person on the unemployed list
  6. ^i guess, wouldnt be the way i choose to advertise but its working for him
  7. yeah this dudes smoking some serious crank if he thinks that repsol is worth that..shit look at his other prices way way high
  8. that dude


    uhh you live next to a nuke plant bro--pretty soon your skin will be glowing yellow
  9. if this thread was labeled to beers and a jar of peanut butter this thread would be full of post and views..not mentioning any names
  10. i thought i was gonna pick up a new pair of reefs with the bottle opener on the bottom..
  11. Porn Plot: Vivid's Sordid Plans for Nadya 'Octomom' Suleman Thursday, February 26, 2009 By Hollie McKay PrintShareThis AP Nadya Suleman speaks during an interview. Porn Plot: Vivid's Sordid Plans for Octomom | The Real Reason Why Kim Kardashian Refused to Be Photographed From Her Most Famous Angle: Behind | Kendra Wilkinson Can’t Stay Away From "Playboy" | Sean Penn Parties With Ex-Wife Madonna Porn Plot: Vivid's Sordid Plans for Octomom You may want to take a shower after reading this. Vivid Entertainment has offered Nadya "Octomom" Suleman $1 million to star in a pornographic video. Now Tarts has learned the disgusting details of what they want Octomom to do. They want Suleman, who gave birth to octuplets in January, to have sex in eight different scenes with eight different men. "The number eight is obviously heavily associated with her so we would like to work with that," Vivid’s CEO Stephen Hirsch told Tarts. "But we would really love just to sit down and talk with her and come up with something she feels comfortable with. We want her to be involved with the whole thing from the plot line to the packaging." Hirsch says Suleman has received their offer and is considering it. Suleman did not return calls for comment. "She’s struggling financially and this is a woman who wants to provide for her kids," Hirsch said. "This way she can hold her head high and not be using taxpayers money to support her family." However, the New York Post's Cindy Adams is reporting that Octomom has been looking at $1 million houses in the Los Angeles area. So maybe - let's all pray - she doesn't need the money.
  12. Octomom Nadya Suleman nixes porn offer – for her 14 kids’ sake By Inside Track Friday, February 27, 2009 - Added 11h ago E-mail Printable (3) Comments Text size Share (0) Rate Need a dose of good news? Octomom Nadya Suleman has turned down $1 million and health insurance for her burgeoning brood to star in porno flicks - for now. As we told you yesterday, Vivid Entertainment, the world’s largest porn purveyor, offered the serial mom an $1 million contract deal and threw in health and dental insurance if she’d appear in a handful of X-rated flicks this year. Easy, Affordable Way to Immortalize Your Loved Ones How to Destroy Acne Without Destroying Your Skin Credit Checks that Could Hurt You “I think it’s kind of funny that I got offered $1 million to make porn,” Suleman, a mother of 14, told Radaronline.com . “Those guys at Vivid video must be nuts! Who wants to see me naked? Maybe in a year when the baby fat goes away,” she joked. But Octomom goes onto say that she’d need more dough to participate and the only way that happens is if she pops out more kids. “Of course, if I have more kids I may have to ask for $2 million,” she said. “Seriously, though, my mum didn’t bring me up like that. Besides, what will my 14 kids think when they grow up?” She’s thinking of the kids now??? Although Suleman has test-tube octuplets, she’s still a traditionalist at heart. “I believe in love and romance. Not cheap thrills that belittle women,” she said.
  13. i think it would be fair to say that the strret rider couldnt go wrong with any of the top name braking pads..not a huge difference in the low-middle priced pads
  14. ^^did you not read above your post
  15. yet to make it to the dealership..btw i wonder what shipping is on the helmet? any idea 20?
  16. tire pressure oil levels brakes chain sprockets coolant level gas level battery condition
  17. try them..www.cyclesrus.net..right in my backyard
  18. obamas a fucktard in my book..and i admit im a democrat, but ididnt vote in this election due to both parties choices being complete d-bags
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