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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. as kurt cobain once said..LOAD UP ON GUNS AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS
  2. WTF - im guessing pink doesnt have the monies like vivid so they will offer diapers for free publicity. hilarious they said they want her to cover her lower lips up...all this coming from a company in the xxx biz..WTF are they serious..be honest and say we need and want publicity so were offering diapers to octo mamma
  3. this dude is killing me more and more every day..whats next fellas, this dudes gonna tell me when and where i can take a shit..sure i might be a little farfetched, but this is just a start for this regime.
  4. +1...anyone ever see a r7 in person?
  5. zooks for life!..i love em way too too much to jump ship! i would like to get on an aprillia or ducati if i suddenly inherit some loot
  6. trying to work on my anger and manners benyen..but i still wont hesitate to tell someone what i think!..plus its almost riding season, and i cant have everyone hating me. in reality its hard to understand most of the time i do shit just to kick up a little shit..means no harm, if i didnt think most peeps were cool on here i wouldnt post anything. looking foward to meeting some of these cats on here
  7. uhh its gonna rain all day fellas or id tag along
  8. bump for the cause again..plus i love fish!
  9. just looked at the website and thats some beautiful work bro..
  10. lol..that was some funny shit..nice one
  11. i remember the purolator and suzuki were 2 of the best..this was from gixxer.com..i also didnt think the k+n was worth the extra monies..i could be wrong, this is just what i think i remember
  12. nope...im kinda like hancock fonzie!
  13. why not i guess..but i voted for hookers!!!
  14. ...id go green but i did!!!!yaeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  15. how did you paint the visor and still be able to see?..thats a sick ass lid
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