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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. this is why you buy a gsxr 750..its a happy medium fellas! had to throw that out there
  2. who goes over the speed limit anyways?????
  3. i edited my post, wasnt talking about just the catholics..its a belief and i dont personally. but i have no problems with someone who does.. btw i love chili dogs
  4. welcome-im about 15 -20 away
  5. whats face value and can you be a little more specific on the seat details
  6. religion is a freakin joke bro. sorry if i hurt someones fellings, but if someones telling me what to do, not eat meat, and give 10% of my paycheck to the church.....thats a f-n cult and to much abberation for moi!
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