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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. lol, c mon bro the ninja is a beast and a quarter of the price
  2. gotta love the black/yellow scheme
  3. just need the two cats! i thiink i found a few magnaflow universals i will look into..92 wont work anyways, thanks though!
  4. a cat or an exhust?..let me check into it..its my moms car, i dont know much about them..i will get back with ya
  5. i took it to autozone and they said the code was saying catalytic convertor..after i few minutes they said i needed new cats..dealer wants 100 just to put a meter on it!
  6. check engine light on- code reader is saying cats..gonna call around and see what i can come up with..thanks
  7. looking for a cat for a 528i..dealer wanted 1800.00...is there a cheaper option or unviversal cat i can cut and weld?
  8. suzuki 750..if your interested i have a buddy who has a 04 blk/yellow with around 6500 miles yosh bolt on, frame sliders, flushmounts, undertail, spools, and a few other add ons for 5500//clean, original owner//i think he would take 5
  9. that dude


    i like it..truthful..come up with that on your own?
  10. it was only 39 degrees according to my truck..and water everywhere mixed with some snow.ice!
  11. that dude


    ^^^ for sure, i understand its your riding buddy but i might know a few people with motocycles who wanna ride too..
  12. i left the guy a message, he didnt pick up...for 1200 id pick it up and toy around with it..im sure they are a blast to race!
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