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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. jagr-everyones out to get me i guess!lol..it doesnt tell me who

  2. ^^i think your correct, same with the quads 450's
  3. ^^if you reread my first post thats what i was trying to say..the average will have to put monies down these days...good luck with sales
  4. those are hard to find correct?
  5. saw this on craigslist this morning if anyones interested..i dont know if its a good deal or not
  6. Reply to: sale-1025677259@craigslist.org [?] Date: 2009-02-08, 1:14AM EST 2004 nsr50r honda, less than 3 tanks of fuel ran, been sitting needs owner, pics available 216-496-3151 1800/0b0 Location: lorain county it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests PostingID: 1025677259
  7. 12 0 clocker- from the very get go i said the average person..an average person doesnt have your type of credit score for one..its gonna be hard for the average- below average person to buy a home in the next few yrs..no more sign and drive type shit.im not saying your buddy isnt the guru..what im saying is that most will need 20% down or pay pmion a fixed 30 at current rates...agree or no?
  8. i think it will kill you in repairs..bmw volks audis ..shit most high end imports will kill you in maintenance..most people that can truly afford them buy em new and trade them in or sell them after the warranty is up, knowing it can be costly..i say its not a bad price, but be prepared to spend cash if things break..and they will..id find something domestic thats cheaper on gas and parts etc
  9. nice bike bro- i love to get back into dirt
  10. is the frame on a 1000 that much bigger than a 600 0r 750?
  11. bro- your talking ouuta your ass..heres an emample.. get me into a 250K home no monies down no pmi 30 yr fixed interest rate under 6 1/4 %..i got your 1000 bucks.. give me your hard numbers and credit score and priors
  12. so do i.....were talking about average joe..sorry if i rained on your parade..im gu
  13. what that i wont take anyones shit..ummm ok lets drop it
  14. welcome....my initails post was bustin balls, due to you sayin (another fuckin newbie).. hop aboard bro!!!!!!!! sorry if it wasnt percieved how it was intended
  15. honestly, cause talk is cheap, and i hope he can back it up..maybe its the time, m,aybes it just me..i came aboard to meet people to ride with, maybe make a friend.. sambusa has had a smart ass comment on everything i say..i admitt i started it by saying busas belong in the trash, as a joke...sort of
  16. dude is always being a bitc- when i post..in my eyes hes a troll..every forum theres someone like sammy, but im the bad guy, trying to have fun
  17. i will be the guy on a 2004 gsxr 750 with pants docs t shirts tats and an arai helmet..,,but id rather meet your punk ass in person sammy boy..so how about a ohio riders group ride sammy?
  18. i will make sure i meet you this spring.. then theres no internet tough guy sammy boy..agree?
  19. ^^i think id want some cash 2 since its a yami
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