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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. once again i make my valid point...what homes in todays market are appreciating 10K a yr?
  2. that dude


    never started it..but im gonna end it this spring when i meet sammyboy..my spring ride priority
  3. ass-hat One whose head is so far up their rear end it could pass for a hat; used to describe a person who is stubborn, cruel, or otherwise unpleasant to be around.
  4. . nutswinger Some one who hangs from someone's nuts, (i.e. a stalker, fan). Follows ever move they make
  5. ^^^^ Napoleon complex is a colloquial term describing an alleged type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people who are physically short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. This term is also known as Napoleon syndrome,[1] Short Man syndrome,[2] and Small Man syndrome.Have been known to ride the suzuki hayabusa.
  6. ^^^another busaboy...are you one of sammys nut swingers too?
  7. whats a great deal on this..id be willing to pay 1200-1300 to buzz back and forth to my boat in the summer..cool toy to have..gonna call the guy and see what he says..i will get back to you
  8. sure fuckhead, you 50/50 wont have pmi....but who the fuck wants to spend 50-100K in interest more/ above the principal loan interest..then you have no home equity so typically most home owners sell/move 4-5 yrs..you will be basically upside down fuckhead..when you sell you must repay both loans back so its a vicious cycle..you are basically renting your home, no equity is aquired fuckhead..you must be a fuckhead to use an 80/20 loan unless you cant come up with the 20% down//you should stick to renting in these cases..you are a fucking retard shitty..shut your mouth, you dont know shit.
  9. sambusa jacked off over those pics..d-bag
  10. ^^not gonna get anyone with good credit zero down no pmi 30 yr fixed at todays rates.finally someone agrees with me
  11. makes sense captn, now i see why overweight people are on busas or buses..makes sense
  12. natty nusch keystone beast..thats some good stuff
  13. lets stay on track buddy..whos backtracking?..loud mouth bitch is all you are
  14. backtracking? hows that...like i said fuckhead the average person is gonna put down 205 or pay pmi..period..it that backtracking sammyboy
  15. whats the top speed on these things
  16. buuuuuusssssaaaaa sssssssaaaaam^^^
  17. that sure made sense to me..i guess since your a fucktard sammy, its hard for you to comprehend
  18. tuesday 56 and wednesday 58...who gonna be riding this week?
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