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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. I was thinking Sam retard and fonz ....is there others
  2. Ding ding ding winnar winnar chicken dinner! It's bs. Casper wouldn't admit his cronies are wrong. He would look bad. Let's be honest Ben. Just like if my sub foreman is wrong I still got his back
  3. Once again, all i ask is to get treated as equally as your cronies and other members. I just voice my opinion like others. If you don't like me or what I say , say it to my face. Some hide behind caspers Ohio riders or call on the dogs. Never said I hated it here did I ?
  4. You guys would really hatevto hear my honest opinion. I reserve myself . Yes ID say it to your face. Any one of you. Call the posse of Todd, dudes brings more advice to this site than half you so called mods. I vote to have Todd as a mod.He tells it how the fuck it is . Period. Nothings left painted gray or ghey
  5. the kid was trying to live. Trying to out live his means. He asked for advice we have it to him like a man. Man to man. doesn't matter if it was crude rude or nice. Just being honest. Go blow your horn elsewhere
  6. I second that. Personal attacks are the norm here. Casper said due to personal attacks people should have been banned. That's 3/4 of the shit on here. Opinions are like assholes, we all got em and can be one. I think some one here pick n choose who how and when to reprimand. I have seen moderators attack other members. In my eyes it's all or nothing( ruling on personal conduct). Where's the imaginary line stop and start. Are you guys going to clean up every thread someone got attacked in? Then why one? Seems unfair, but the imaginary line needs to be seen better for all, so we know where it stops and starts. If we couldn't bust balls life would be boring. I have bitched but only for fair justice. It's the intranet, you really can't get truly mad or pissed.
  7. People have a different perceptions. I feel bad for his friends and family. I just have no sympathy or remorse for people who take the easy way out. Was I wrong for the comment I said, to some yes . To myself and others, no. Maybe the timing was wrong. As far as the job talk etc, i was a far cry from being the big dickhead. Again sometimes others perception is not always reality. I don't think anyone on here knew he was going to kill himself. As Todd stated it was only a drop in the bucket.
  8. There a few hr eisode on the gulf oil spill on nat geo last nite. Well worth watching
  9. Fonz now lane has a crutch to use if his team fails. Win win
  10. I may attend just to meet a few people ID love to see in person. This a Friday or Saturday?
  11. Thanks fr your service soldier, those pics look awesome
  12. There was some really valid points here as well. No one can predict the future. ** I moved these posts to a new thread and closed the original thread as requested - Casper **
  13. you cried last time, trying to be gentle with you.
  14. Co worker is interested. Thinking 30 bucks?
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