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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. that dude


    after a ban your points should go away. starting new.
  2. that dude


    actually wanted to thank jinu for the service call lead and thank brian for fowarding me some leads. wanted to check to see if anyones interested in my ruger as well. as i stated before, " i cant stand most people including you on here."
  3. you took the time to reply. so id assume you
  4. there is only one size. standard size. www.ruger.com. its new besides putting 75 rnds down her.
  5. awesome bro. just awesome. ^^+100 what bri said
  6. that dude


    you guys missed me lets be honest.resume thread.
  7. i know you missed that dude, but no worries hes back!
  8. good looking brian- the ruger is all black.
  9. that dude


    Swinger runs a scooter forum. Bahahahaha. What a fucking tool. Winnar chicken dinnar.
  10. I bought it new not even 6-8 months ago from the fin
  11. Got my ruger p95 back after doing some trading..... Up for sale again. Blued perfect condition, maybe 100 rounds down it. Comes with everything, just like from the store. 250.00
  12. that dude


    Watch out the FTC is in full force. Fucking joke. You guys part of the he man woman haters club too
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