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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. Could have saved sum cash bro! Oh well!
  2. Check capacitor like i said. Make sure you are not touching metal. A long screw driver works well
  3. Take a screw driver across both terminals on the capacitor . Hold it it will spark, don't be scared. See if the compressor kicks in.
  4. Maybe he would like a nice close up of my taint
  5. Yeah moms boytoy was smacking me around so I jetted. Fuxking hillbillys.
  6. 7000 posts and never rode a bike n my life. You crack me up
  7. Grandmas basement fucktard. Borrow it from your old hag! This is a motorcycle forum? Could have fooled me
  8. I cant stand 75 percent of you guys on here , why the fuck would I want to hang out with them. C mon bro let's be serious. Paypal me 5.00 and I will send you an authentic pic of me naked.
  9. Check your breaker and check your disconnect outside. Make sure your outside breakers are good.
  10. Nice bike putty. Free bump TTY
  11. Is that Ben spies in the last pic?
  12. that dude

    Harley Rant

    Hog- haulin obese girls... That's how aow rolls
  13. I can make it happen. I can pm you my addy. I just hope you back it up. Btw your Harley is a pos.
  14. that dude

    Harley Rant

    all aboard cap n jporters boat,...
  15. that dude

    Harley Rant

    hardleys are the safest bikes on the road. cant go fast enough to hurt yourself
  16. that dude

    Harley Rant

    dont be mad you paid todays prices for last centurys tech.
  17. someone fess up mother fucker. fuckin puss bags
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