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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. that dude

    Harley Rant

    fuck harleys biggest pos on the road
  2. yes, just listen for the banjo music. then follow it. then go up shits creek without a paddle
  3. whore last night walked out this morning with a burnt rubber hanging outta her ass
  4. that dude

    glock 36

    Yea he sold it at the medina show
  5. Nothing like the smell of burnt vasoline and brut. That's all.
  6. by Bum fucked Egypt and middle of no where @ 3600
  7. Dans dogs in medina
  8. that dude

    I'm back

    which one and price
  9. Wow thats a really low fucking price glws
  10. no one has the balls to man up. someone who works for a shop im guessing.
  11. at 5200 you can blow me. hows that. we gotta deal?
  12. that dude

    Im back

    Damn thanks shitty for putting menon fuxking front street
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