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Posts posted by Tigerpaw

  1. Damn man, that would be a tough gig to be seperated from your family for a whole year. If you want to move where there's good riding when you return, forget Illinois ( at least from what I'm told ). I'd head to the east or west coasts for better roads/scenery. And like my wife said, we'll need to gather up and chime mugs together before you roll out.


    Thanks.  Would be nice for a drinking get together in the Spring. 

  2. I have military orders to live in Qatar for a year.  I will be selling the bikes & trailer in the spring and leaving the base at the end of March '15.  My wife and daughter will live in Mississippi while I am gone.  This is gonna be tough( my little girl is only 2).  I have no idea where we will go after that.  Thinking either Illinois or somewhere on the left coast.


    I don't need to sell the bikes, but I want something different when I get back...and no sense of another year of depreciation.


    I am hoping to get a few more quality rides.  Hopefully I will make the ride on the 27th.  DerekClouser assumes full responsibility for my actions, lol.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I won't type up an epic post.  @Tpoppa has pretty much summarized my feelings, and written them in a well thought out manner.  I will say:


    1) Looting, rioting, and protests are all completely different.


    2) I will not make an opinion on this case until more FACTS are released.  Even then, it is my personal OPINION.


    3) Police should never take a life unless theirs is CURRENTLY in IMMEDIATE DANGER of death/near death or the public is icurrently in immediate danger.

  4. I just saw so much heartache when I was in the Navy.  People who were getting ready to deploy when their wives had just had babies 3 days ago.  Or were due in three days.  Or whose kid was 2 and needed a mother or father as they enter second grade.  Or as a teenager.  I found myself thinking "that is not good parenting."  


    And if you think about it, it's NOT good parenting to be completely absent for 6 months at a time (in the case of an overseas deployment).  Heaven forbid you're on a sub, and don't even get to make phone calls & send e-mails daily.  


    And this is only talking about the absence.  It's infinitely worse when you realize that some military parents aren't just ABSENT, they're actually putting themselves in harm's way (often on purpose, intentionally) as part of their duties.  


    But of course, it's crazy to expect people to serve without getting married or having kids.  We need to remember (and KNOW!) what we were fighting for, after all.

    Lots of heartbreaking family stories out there.  Some of them even occur outside the military. :rolleyes:

    • Upvote 2
  5. Some people think that soldiers, sailors, & marines shouldn't be allowed to be married.  After all, how can you give two conflicting oaths?  One saying you're willing to die for your country, and the other saying you'll do everything you can do to have a successful & healthy marriage?


    I have never heard this before.  Interesting logic.


    I personally disagree.  Can you really expect our armed forces to serve 10, 20, 30 years without being married.  Living in sin, depending on which flavor of religion you prefer?


    I had already served 4 years before getting married.  My wife's mom was a career Airman.  She fully knew and accepted what we were committing to.   As did I.



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