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Everything posted by Vortac

  1. i'll trade you my black forks for your extra 200cc's
  2. sorry the pics are so big
  3. gotta fly back to tucson to pick up the bike and colleen.. but thanks for the invite.
  4. welp.. i'm here... finally.. moved into my place yesterday, and start work tomorrow. colleen will be here next week. ended up finding a place in Elyria. sooo.. anyone recommend a bike shop for tire changes and such?
  5. thanks, i try should be sometime around the first of April (hopefully dodging most of my first OH winter )
  6. thanks.. are you on supermotojunkie? i swear i've seen your avatar pic over there.
  7. well, not knowing anything about the place, i can't really say about the commute... i just don't know. looking at a map, Avon and Westlake don't look too far, but that goes back to not knowing the area. i'm sure i'll have more questions as april gets closer, so i might get back to ya.. thanks!
  8. ehh, i don't mind the country . i know this is bassackwards, but i'd rather live in a decent area, and have to go a little ways to find good riding than live in a crappy area closer to the good riding spots. so stay away from lakefront, vermillion, lorain, and elyria?
  9. yeah, i didn't have an option, lol
  10. a 120 4 stroke?? do you ride it on the big track at beaverun or the small? sounds like a good matchup for the supermoto
  11. cool... any suggestions of places to look to live (and places to steer clear of)??
  12. ahh, just checked out the link... pretty cool, i'll def have to make it out there. thanks!
  13. yikes! that thing looks pretty wide open for a supermoto, unless that Wilson circuit is open
  14. ahh, i'm interested... what kind of track is beaverun? we have a gocart track in tucson that was converted to supermoto that's really nice, but these things aren't suited to any kind of high speed stuff... it'll do about 95, but it likes 30-50mph stuff better. i'm guessing your NSR is a 250?
  15. Thanks for the welcomes.. soo about those secret riding spots..... dont make me use the search button!
  16. yeah, i'm scared of the weather, haha. I'll be working in the Oberlin area.
  17. What's up everybody? My name is Chris, and I recently took a job that will be relocating me to Cleveland from sunny, warm Tucson, AZ, sometime around the first of April. My girlfriend also joined this site (hence the post title) yesterday, and her name is Colleen. We both belonged to a similar website back in Tucson, so it's nice to see that there is one for Ohio. So with that out of the way, let's get to what's important... Does the Cleveland area have any good roads to ride? How about bike shops to get misc. things done (tire mounting, minor work etc.)? Also, since I have never been to Cleveland, and don't know the area, if anyone wants to give me some pointers on good places to start looking for housing (i'm going to be working in the Oberlin area) and what places to steer clear of, that would be great Anyway, I currently ride a Yamaha supermoto, it is my 4th bike. I started off with a 2006 Honda 599, then had a 2006 Honda VFR800, then a 2007 Kawasaki ZX6r (which I at times miss very much ). And Colleen rides a 2001 Yamaha R6. bike pics... First bike 2006 Honda 599 Second bike 2006 Honda VFR800 Third bike 2007 ZX6r Aaaannnd, the current bike 2008 Yamaha WR250x This is Colleens bike 2001 Yamaha R6
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