Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but if you don't like it here then fuck off and leave! You guys are trying to use the same retarded ideas that you argue with in the political debates. This isn't a democracy, its a fucking Bentatorship. If he asked for your opinion, its to get ideas, not to cast a fucking vote. Quit trolling, seriously, fuck off. This is directed at everyone in this thread. This is a motorcycle website, and the motorcycle related content is pathetic. Yeah, I screw around occasionally, I get off topic, but you idiots search for this kinda bullshit and constantly bring it to the forefront of the website. That Dude, your a fucktard, okay? The first week I joined I blocked your dumbass and only recently unblocked you. If you don't know that everyone on here thinks you're a fucktard, you're also the biggest douche alive. Maybe you're actually an alright guy, but with a screen name like yours, you clearly didn't come here to be an alright guy. You came to be a fucktard, so don't get butthurt when someone calls you out for what you really are.