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Everything posted by sporty93

  1. sporty93

    My ride

  2. Welcome. I am sure there will be plenty of rides coming up soon. Looking forward to it.
  3. Well it was a descent day. Most of the roads are still soaking wet. The wind was pretty rough but it was a much needed tension reliever. Spent a little over an hour out and about. Too bad eightvalve, maybe see you around another time.
  4. Anyone else going out today? Im sure I will be sometime this afternoon. Cruisin round Canton.
  5. I rode Sunday afternoon for about 20 minutes. What a tease, but dam I just had to go. I will ride in mid 40s if its not too windy. I saw a couple others out as well.
  6. I agree Max. For me my ccw is like an american express card.......never leave home without it. I am not a paranoid person, just prepared. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!
  7. This sounds great. My wife and I were there a couple years ago and stayed at one of the cabins for our anniversary. I am gonna ask some of these guys round here.
  8. welcome. i see you got the invite. is your puter working right now?
  9. I hear that alot lately but hey......... wait a minute i'm getting a complex.
  10. Seems I'm a little out-numbered here. Does anyone else ride a cruiser? Doesn't matter to me. I think we all share the same passion and according to my wife, obsession. I just love to ride and cannot wait for another +40 sunny day!!!!!
  11. Hello everyone! New to the site and willing the sun to come out so we can ride!!!!!!!!!! I'm from Canton and just bought my first (street) bike last year, a 93 sportster. Its nothin pretty but I love it. Hoping to get to know some more people around here to ride with. I am trying to plan some rides this year with a few people from work. Any suggestions?
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