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Status Updates posted by Carwhore

  1. What's going on man. Me and my brother ride sumo's as well a few others on the board. Hit me up if you ever want to ride with some more of us.

  2. hey man u riding tomorrow?

  3. wanna meet up and roll out together?

  4. Had a great time too. Nice to meet you. I'm always down to shoot so if you do any let me know

  5. how many posts you going to make today?

  6. I left you a message on your phone, when are you going to return the call?

  7. Hey you guys going to be at the bar tonight? I've only been to rule 3 once and dont really know the place.

  8. Ok I'll be by. Probably a little after 7

  9. I just saw your post on my thread my cr85 sumo is still fs

  10. hey bud when you wanna sling some lead? I need to knock the dust of em.

  11. Hey man I forgot your number. I'll drop you air mattress thing off tonight when i get off work. So around 5:30ish. Thanks again!

  12. hey man since you got those 3 bikes sitting in the garage collection dust, I can knock the dust off and blow the carbon out of them for you :D

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